Determine given motor has the power to meet the requirement

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM13956093

Table 1 shows a set of torque-speed measurements for a d.c. electric motor intended for use in an electric wheelchair. Data of this type is used by manufacturers to help specify motor performance.

Table 1

Speed /rpm














(a)  Use the data in Table 1 to plot a suitable graph and obtain the five missing pieces of information, labeled (i)-(v), in the motor specification chart shown in Table 2.

Table 2

Operating Voltage /V



No Load


Maximum Efficiency




Torque /Nm

Current /A

Speed /rpm

Current /A

Torque /Nm

Speed /rpm

Current /A

Output power /W












(b)  One of the design requirements for the wheelchair states that the motor must be able to supply 40 Nm of torque at 100 rpm. Determine whether this particular motor has the power to meet that requirement.

Reference no: EM13956093

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