Reference no: EM13731624
Question 1
In a trapezoidal canal with base width of 25 m, bed slope of 0.000167, Manning's roughness coefficient of 0.025, side slope of 2:1 ( Horizontal: Vertical) and flow rate of 60m3/s:
a) determine normal depth
b) determine critical depth
c) what are Froude number and flow regime?
Question 2
Water flows uniformly at a depth y1= 40 cm in the concrete channel, which is 10 m wide. (Figure Q2). Estimate the height of the hydraulic jump that will form when a sill is installed to force it to form.( Do not take the channel as a wide canal, make reasonable assumption of required data)

Question 3
Find flow speed and depth of water above a hump in the Figure Q3. Calculate critical depth, Froude number and draw specific energy curve. If raise hump by 0.07 how depth of water changes upstream.

Question 4
A floodway is designed to carry 25 m3/s of flow across a rural road. If ground slope is 0.002 and roughness coefficient 0.035, calculate width and velocity of water for wading up to the knee height. Is this floodway safe to wade? Why?
Question 5
A wide canal has a bed slope of 0.001 and carries water at a normal depth of 1.2 m. A weir is to be constructed at one point to increase the depth of flow to 2.4m.
a) How far upstream of the weir will the depth be 1.35 m? Take Manning roughness coefficient as 0.018. What is the water surface profile and why?
b) Instead of the weir a free overfall is constructed. Where upstream of the free overfall 98% of the normal depth occurs? What is the water surface profile and why?
c) In case of (b) where the EXACT normal depth occurs?
Question 6
Sketch possible water surface profiles for the channel in the Figure Q6, a, b and c. First locate and mark control points, then sketch the profiles, marking each profile with the appropriate designation. Show any hydraulic jumps that occur.

Solution file contains the complete solution for this order including all six problems and sub-parts. The solution file contains the format of PDF and all questions are answered in sequences.
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