Reference no: EM132291799
Assignment -
Instructions: To be done in R markdown.
Analysis - For the analysis, make sure you perform the following actions:
At least two of your variables should be quantitative.
Summarize 5 variables Check for missing data in any variables and note it including # of missing values.
Check for outliers both visually (i.e. histograms and box plots) and programmatically (i.e. computing IQR and ranges).
Determine correlations between variables and report on the highest correlations you find.
Run at least one regression between your quantitative variables (do some research to consider variables that may have a causation relation if possible). Provide the results of the regression along with a detailed scatterplot.
Report - The report should be written in R Markdown and then transformed to HTML (using the knitr function in R studio).
Your report needs to have the following sections:
Data - a section describing the data set and how you loaded and transformed it in R. Include R code blocks within your commentsand explain what the code is doing.
Analysis - walk through the analysis that you performed. Include R code blocks within your comments and explain what the code is doing.
Results - any plots, tables, or other results which gave you the answers to the questions that you were asked.
Include R code blocks for any plots and explain what the code is doing.
Discussion - a brief (one or two paragraphs) discussion of the results and how they answer the questions.
Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar