Determine computational complexity of algorithm

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM1351879

An alternative way of obtaining a MST is informally described as follows: Start with the set of V vertices and no edges (hence there are V connected components, each of which is an isolated vertex). Then you start adding edges to your solution by visiting each connected component, finding the smallest edge such that one vertex is in that connected component and the other is not, then adding that edge to your solution provided such an edge is not already a part of your solution. Keep on doing this till you have added V- 1 edges (and now you have only one connected component that spans all V vertices.

(a) Argue that this approach will result in a MST.

(b) Describe the algorithm in psuedo-code. You should give thought towhat data structures(s) make sense for eclient implementation.

(c) Determine the computational complexity of your algorithm.

Reference no: EM1351879

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