Determine bowler had highest average and print name

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1353483

You are the official score keeper for the "C" Bowling Association (CBA). You should write a program that will:

A. Input bowler's name and three (3) scores (0-300 range).

B. Calculate average for that bowler.

C. Assign stars to that bowler based on the following scale:
avg > = 200 - 4 stars
avg 170 to 199 - 3 stars
avg 125 to 169 - 2 stars
avg 100 to 124 - 1 star
avg < 100 - no stars

D. Output the bowlers name, avg. and number of stars earned.

Your program must be able to process any number of bowlers. (Use at least 10 sets of data).

E. Discover which bowler had the highest average and print out their name and average.

F. Calculate and output the average of all the bowlers.

Reference no: EM1353483

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