Determine appropriate informal strategies

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM131523228

So here is the assignment. Not very hard to do, but I am not very savvy in project management. This is a group assignment and the part needed done is in bold.  NOTE: PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THE ATTACHMENT. THIS IS THE PROJECT THAT WILL BE UTILIZED FOR THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS.

Here are the instructions:


Write a 2000-2500 word APA formatted paper of strategies that facilitate influencing power and control for the project proposal chosen.

Determine appropriate informal strategies to influence the success of the selected project. Consider the following:

  • Organizational change
  • Stakeholder communication
  • Informal communication
  • Reward systems

Develop a control strategy for the project proposal chosen by the team (PLEASE VIEW ATTACHMENT).

Address the following components in the control strategy:

  • Change management strategies (NEEDED PART)
  • Scope management strategies (NEEDED PART)

This part needed to be between 500-600 wordsAttached is the project that the assignment is going off of.

Proper grammar is necessary, APA format, i possible. Please also use AT LEAST one resource. Knowledge in Project Management IS REQUIRED. 

Tip will be given upon proper completion and done in a quick turnaround.. The question was not properly answered before and I am now behind on a time crunch. Please again, READ THE ATTACHMENT IN WHICH DESCRIBES THE PROJECT AND WRITE THE CHANGE/SCOPE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES OFF OF THOSE TWO.

Reference no: EM131523228

Questions Cloud

What are some of advantages of a safety management system : What are some of the advantages of a safety management system that emphasize processes rather than individual behavior?
The criminal justice process and prosecution : Identify and explain their actions, as well as the criminal justice process and prosecution, the victims and their families, etc.
Activities associated with project closure : Using Chapter 12 of the Kendrick text describe the activities associated with project closure. Which of these is the most relevant to risk management and why?
What are the core values of the profession : What types of tools and/or equipment are required for the job? What are the main ethics rules of the profession? What are the core values of the profession?
Determine appropriate informal strategies : Develop a control strategy for the project proposal chosen by the team (PLEASE VIEW ATTACHMENT).
How might you defend your trace evidence : Do you think arson dogs come up with better results than a chemical sniffer? Why or why not? Provide evidence to support your opinion.
Change negative perceptions : What can leaders do to change negative perceptions about them? Explain
Draft policies addressing the employers compliance : Draft policies addressing the employer's compliance with FLSA, workers compensation, unemployment compensation regulations, and ERISA.
What are the key features of religion : How did Renaissance thinking result in the exploration of the "New World"? What are the key features of religion?


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