Determine and print the weekly rate.

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13940211

The program should allow users to enter the age of the child and the number of days per week stays. Need to write the input statements and the code that initializes the two-dimensional array, determines the weekly rate and prints the weekly rate.

1. Open the source code
2. Declare and intialize the two-dimensional array
3. Write the Java Statements that retrieve the age of the child and the number of days the child will be at the day care center.
4. Determine and print the weekly rate.

Please see attachments for the questions.

import javax.swing.*;

public class DayCare
public static void main(String args[])
// Declare two-dimensional array here.

// Declare other variables.
int numDays;
int age;
String numDaysString;
String ageString;
int QUIT = 99;

// This is the work done in the getReady() method
// Perform a priming read to get the age of the child.

while(age != QUIT)
// This is the work done in the determineRateCharge() method
// Ask the user to enter the number of days

// Print the weekly rate

// Ask the user to enter the next child's age

// This is the work done in the finish() method
System.out.println("End of program");

} // End of main() method.
} // End of DayCare class.


Reference no: EM13940211

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