Reference no: EM131286124
Throughout this course, you have learned ways to develop a needs assessment to tackle a Human Services issue, along with structuring many aspects of creating and working in a successful community agency. Staffing, supervising, funding, treating others ethically, respecting diversity, and understanding regulations are all important factors when working as an administrator in the field of Human Services.
Included in this module are the suggested readings regarding professional development. In a minimum of 300 words, you will post your answer to the Discussion Area.
Using your textbooks, the ethics codes, any provided readings, and a minimum of five sources from professional literature, discuss the following as these relate to the Human Services field. Professional literature may include the Argosy University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, and .gov):
Using the same position in the Human Services field that you discussed in the M1 Assignment 2 Discussion ( which you did here; ),
assume that you are the administrator/CEO of your agency. Discuss a minimum of three ways you will continue learning about the Human Services field and expanding your education and skills. How will you achieve these goals? Keep in mind the mission and vision of your agency.
Determine and discuss a minimum of three ways to hold yourself accountable for performing quality work as the administrator/CEO of your agency.
Identify a minimum of three challenges you believe you will face in the first year of your role as the administrator/CEO of your agency.
For each challenge, discuss at least two ways you will address the challenge.
How do current policies affect his access to health care
: Considering the social determinants of health, what factors do you think would influence his decision to seek medical care, and how do current policies affect his access to health care?
Summarize the physical changes that occur in children
: Summarize the physical changes that occur in children during this age and the factors that influence those changes. Include a comparison of males versus females.
Multiple-output nor-nor circuit to realize
: Find a minimum two-level, multiple-output NOR-NOR circuit to realize f1 = ∑m(0, 2, 4, 6, 7, 10, 14) and f2 = ∑m(0, 1, 4, 5, 7, 10, 14). Enter the equations for f1 and f2 and attach files of any Karnaugh maps or other work used to derive the equati..
Enter the equation for f and attach
: Design a minimum three-level NOR-gate circuit to realize f = a'b' + abd + acd. Enter the equation for f and attach files of any Karnaugh maps or other work used to derive the equation. Attach a Word, PDF, or image file of your circuit.
Determine and discuss a minimum of three ways to hold
: Determine and discuss a minimum of three ways to hold yourself accountable for performing quality work as the administrator/CEO of your agency.
Determine which tasks need to be completed first
: Based upon the details in the WBS and the project case, determine which tasks need to be completed first and which tasks are dependent upon other tasks to be completed prior to starting.
Summary of the unreimbursed payments the appses
: The instructions to this cumulative problem - the Forms 4562 & 8829 are already completed & can be used to assist in other problems too.
What does the term bounded output mean
: You are going to mass-produce a circuit that is supposed to have a dc output voltage between 3 and 4 V. What kind of a comparator would you use? How would you connect green and red LEDs across the comparator output to indicate pass or fail?
Minimum number of gates
: Implement f(a, b, c, d) = ∑m(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 15) as a two-level gate circuit, using a minimum number of gates. Use NAND gates only. Enter the equation for f and attach files of any Karnaugh maps or other work used to derive the equation.