Determine and configure secure authentication process

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Reference no: EM132358197

Install and Maintain Valid Authentication Processes Assignment -

Assessment Task 1: Determine and configure secure authentication process

Outcomes Assessed - Performance Criteria: Addresses some elements of performance evidence and knowledge evidence as shown in the Assessment Matrix.

Description: Authentication is the process of determining whether someone or something is, in fact, who or what it declares itself to be. Authentication technology provides access control for systems by checking to see if a user's credentials match the credentials in a database of authorized users or in a data authentication server.

Case Scenario: For more than 70 years, Weltman, Weinberg & Reis (WWR) has been a leader in providing collection services and legal representation to creditors. Headquartered in Sydney, Australia, WWR is the largest creditor's rights law firm in the country. The company depends on its network to connect 1000 employees at nine offices, and to provide real-time status information on cases and files.

Protecting the sensitive client information that resides on its network is a top priority for WWR. Much of the firm's application data contains confidential or non-public information (NPI). Along with privacy concerns, maintaining data integrity is also important, because customer contact records and other business information is often used in legal proceedings. Records that have become corrupted or inaccurate because of a security or network issue can result in a total breakdown of the process and a significant loss to the firm.

WWR has recently acquired a Windows Server 2016 with appropriate hardware as per Microsoft recommendations. They have approached you to determine and configure secure authentication process.

For this task you will be required to:

Sub-Task 1: Prepare report covering below information.

  • Investigate and compare at least 2 different authentication methods which satisfies the user and company requirements such as confidentiality, integrity and availability (CIA).
  • Select the most appropriate authentication method out of the previously compared methods. Justify your selection based on the user and company data and network security requirements. Also, provide information of any hardware components that the selected authentication method may require.

Sub-Task 2: Provide network topology.

The network topology must include following criteria:

  • 1 Head-office in Sydney, Australia and Only 2 branches.
  • Centralised authentication server at Sydney HO; 2 x Site-to-site VPNs.
  • Servers, computers routers, switches, firewalls and other networking devices.

You can also make assumption for any unspecified network or device requirements.

Sub-Task 3: This is a practical task in which you will be required to install and configure a Windows Server 2016 on provided hardware or in virtual environment. Any virtualisation software can be used for this purpose. You have to select and use appropriate cabling to connect the server to the switch which connects the networked (LAN) computers. You will be provided with WAN/Internet link and workstations.

Install Windows Server.

  • Configure appropriate name for server.
  • Select appropriate IPv4 network address range (IPv4) for the network.
  • Configure static IPv4 address on the server.

Install and configure secured authentication process.

  • Configure the authentication method/software/tools as selected in Sub-Task 1.
  • Configure test users and groups.
  • Describe and configure test users and group authorisation (different permissions for different users/groups) towards different resources i.e. files, folders, services etc.
  • Apply configured authorisation and authentication filter on the server and resources.

Assessment Criteria - The following assessment criteria will be used for marking this assessment task. Ensure that you have addressed all of the criteria in your work;

Sub-Task 1:

  • Researched, compiled and organised information about at least 2 authentication methods.
  • Evaluation of the company's services and needs to implement an authentication solution.
  • Appropriate authentication method selected, and selection criteria are according to case scenario.
  • Selected hardware is as per case scenario.

Sub-Task 2:

  • Network Diagram or topology provided as per specified criteria.

Sub-Task 3:

  • Prepared for work in line with site-specific safety requirements and enterprise occupational health and safety (OHS) processes and procedures.
  • Identified safety hazards and implement risk control measures in consultation with the trainer.
  • Consulted the trainer to ensure the task is coordinated effectively with others involved at the worksite.
  • Physical machine or Virtual environment installed and configured for Windows Server.
  • Windows Server installed and configured.
  • Selected authentication process installed and configured.
  • Presented the research and installation summary to the class.
  • The presentation was well structured, cohesive and maintained a consistent flow of information.

Assessment Task 2: Apply and monitor authentication system

Outcomes Assessed - Performance Criteria: Addresses some elements of performance evidence and knowledge evidence as shown in the Assessment Matrix.

Description: Sub-Task 1: In continuation of previous assessment task, students need to apply and monitor the authentication in this task.

  • Make sure the authentication protocol has been configured on the server.
  • Join networked computers and other devices to apply authentication system to control user access.
  • Record and store authentication and authorisation configuration information on the server securely.
  • Test the authentication system with test users and groups.
  • Review the test results and adjust the authentication system if required.
  • Create or maintain the authentication system security log. Set up alarms, warnings and required actions for incident management and reporting processes according to the case scenario requirements.

Sub-Task 2:

  • Create a user manual to brief users on authentication system and their responsibilities according to enterprise security plan (that they should not share their password and credentials, do not leave logged on computer unattended, etc.).

Assessment Criteria - The following assessment criteria will be used for marking this assessment task. Ensure that you have addressed all of the criteria in your work.

Sub-Task 1: Task observed by the trainer/assessor;

  • Authentication protocol/s configured and applied on network devices.
  • Authentication and authorisation configuration recorded and stored securely on the server.
  • Tested the authentication system with test users ang groups, evaluated results and made adjustment to the system if required.
  • Created or maintained the authentication system security log.

Sub-Task 2:

  • User manual on authentication system created.
  • User responsibilities described according to enterprise security plan.

Assessment Task 3: Research and Report

Outcomes Assessed - Performance Criteria: Knowledge Evidence Addresses some elements of performance evidence and knowledge evidence as shown in the Assessment Matrix.

Description: This is a summative task. Here you will apply your research abilities and the knowledge you acquired during the course of the unit. In this task, you are required to prepare a word-processed report which explain given topics. Research and report on the following:

Explain common virtual private network (VPN) issues, including:

  • Quality of service (QoS) considerations.
  • Bandwidth.
  • Dynamic security environment.
  • Function and operation of VPN concepts

Summarise the features of common password protocols, such as:

  • Challenge handshake authentication protocol (CHAP).
  • Challenge phrases.
  • Password authentication protocol (PAP).
  • Remote authentication dial-in user service (RADIUS) authentication.

Describe the principles of security tokens.

Outline authentication adaptors.

Summarise biometric authentication adaptors.

Summarise digital certificates, such as VeriSign, X.509, and SSL.

Explain the function and operation of authentication controls including:

  • Passwords
  • Personal identification numbers (PINs)
  • Smart cards
  • Biometric devices

Assessment Criteria - The following assessment criteria will be used for marking this assessment task. Ensure that you have addressed all of the criteria in your work.

  • The report is appropriately structured and presented as a formal document reflecting a real-life practice.
  • Appropriate headings and sub-headings are used to structure the contents.
  • The scope of the report demonstrates the required extent to gather and summarise information along with appropriate references.
  • Explained common virtual private network (VPN) issues.
  • Described features of common password protocols.
  • Described the principles of security tokens.
  • Explained authentication adaptors.
  • Explained biometric authentication adaptors.
  • Described digital certificates, such as VeriSign, X.509, and SSL.
  • Explained the function and operation of authentication controls.

Reference no: EM132358197

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Assessment Task 1: Determine and configure secure authentication process Submission Guidelines - The document must be submitted in a professional, word-processed layout using suitable key headings. Submit; Printed report with standard coversheet and Sub-Task 2 is a practical task and must be completed in presence of an assessor on the designated sessions. Electronic versions of the assessment task and email/electronic submission arrangements are at further discretion of the trainer/assessor. Assessment Task 2: Apply and monitor authentication system Submission Guidelines - Submit; Printed user manual with standard coversheet. Practical task must be completed in presence of an assessor on the designated sessions. Assessments will be marked by observation; Assessor is satisfied that all the tasks are completed as required. Assessment Task 3: Research and Report Submission Guidelines - The document must be submitted in a professional, word-processed layout using suitable key headings. Submit; Printed report with standard coversheet.

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