Determine activities on critical path and estimated slack

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132385130

Assignment Content

Resource: Operations Management: Processes and Supply Chains, Ch. 7

Read Case: The Pert Mustang at the end of Ch. 7 (pp. 273).

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you address the following points:

Prepare the report that Vicky Roberts requested, assuming the project will begin immediately. Assume 45 working days are available to complete the project, including transporting the car to Detroit before the auto show begins.

Discuss, briefly, the aspects of the proposed new business, such as the competitive priorities that Roberts asked about.

Create a table containing the project activities used in the letter assigned to each activity, the time estimates, and the precedence relationships from which you will assemble the network diagram.

Draw a network diagram of the project similar to Figure 7.3.

Determine the activities on the critical path and the estimated slack for each activity.

Submit the assignment.

Reference no: EM132385130

Questions Cloud

Management and leadership organizations : What leadership considerations must an organization weigh in selecting another country to open a location such as a manufacturing plant?
What is the primary focus of supply chain : What is the primary focus of supply chain? How role does materials management play in healthcare?
Good speakers are ethical in their presentation of material : Good speakers are ethical in their presentation of material and discerning in their use of sources to support their speech
Find credible source of article covering current event : Find a credible source of article covering a current event in your selected region. Searching for multiple sources of the same event is strongly encouraged.
Determine activities on critical path and estimated slack : Prepare report that Vicky Roberts requested, assuming project will begin immediately.Determine activities on critical path and estimated slack for each activity
Affect several parts of the nation financial infrastructure : In this scenario, hackers launch cyber attacks that affect several parts of the nation's financial infrastructure over the course of several weeks.
What is poka-yoke and what are examples of service poka-yoke : What's a poka-yoke? What are examples of a service poka-yoke and a manufacturing poka-yoke? Why is its importance to an organization?
Difference between management and leadership of salesforce : The difference between management and leadership of a salesforce, best practices that sales managers can follow to create an effective salesforce.
Practical manner to your current work environment : how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment.


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