Reference no: EM131535721
Topic: History of western civilization
- To highlight some of the most important events in Western Civilization from the earliest known civilization, through the breakup of Charlemagne's Empire.
- To provide a rationale synthesizing and explaining the development of Western Civilization.
- To provide a visual reminder of the passage of time.
General Requirements:
1. Two submissions - the timeline (as either a PowerPoint document or using one of the online interactive timelines) and the rationale (see page 2 of the instructions).
2. Timeline needs to be a horizontal line, showing some chronological scale.
3. Timeline should contain 5 related events showing a specific theme in the development of Western Civilization.
4. Rationale portion should clearly present an argument for how these events are related and why they are significant to the development of Western Civilization.
5. All events on the timeline should occur between 3000 BC - AD 924.
Timeline Requirements:
1. Determine a theme for your timeline - some ideas include: the history of Christianity in Western Europe, the development of government in Western Civilization, or important literary works or philosophies.
2. Using 3000 BC - AD 924 as your boundaries, choose 5 events to place on your timeline.
3. Create the timeline on your computer.
4. Place events on the line in such a way that a clear chronological scale is evident.
5. The presentation should be professional, well-written, clear and creative.
6. Include a creative title for your timeline which matches the theme you have chosen.
7. For assistance with creating the timeline, see the document titled "Tutorials for Timeline Creation."
Rationale Requirements:
1. As a separate Word document, compose a700-1000-word essay explaining the theme and significance of these events.
2. Sources: Do not use outside sources for this assignment. Do not include any quotations. Draw all material from the textbook and lectures within the course, summarize and paraphrase in your own words, and include parenthetical citations indicating the page number or lecture from which your information is derived. Do not include a bibliography page.
a. Example: The invention of the McCormick Reaper was a significant step in the changing scope of agriculture as it allowed farmers to plow larger wheat fields and plant bigger crops (490).
Attachment:- Exercise Instructions.rar