Determination of whether the classification continues

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Reference no: EM133484330

Question: Provide an assestment of the various classes of drugs, paying specific attention to the addictive quality of each drug. You will evaluate the classifications of both legal and illegal stimulants (nicotine, caffeine, cocaine, amphetamine and methamphetamine), depressants (alcohol, heroin, barbiturates, and benzodiazepines), hallucinogens (LSD, PCP, Ecstasy, and Ketamine), and marijuana. The assessment should include the definition of each class as well as a comparison of the various classes with the different types of drugs. You should also provide a discussion of the government's decision in placing the classification on each drug and a determination of whether the classification continues to be warranted today or if new research provides a rationale for changing the classification.

Reference no: EM133484330

Questions Cloud

What can you take away from what you have learned : What are the indicators of their integrity or lack of integrity and What can you take away from what you have learned
How can the monitoring process suggested in the article help : How can the monitoring process suggested in the article help in revising the processes used inside the United States? It's working in England-so could it work
Review the excerpt from the graphic novel comanche moon : Review the summary of the excerpt from the graphic novel Comanche Moon by Jack Jackson above.
Briefly identify types of group violence : Briefly identify types of group violence and Why do people (collectively) engage in crime and violent behavior?
Determination of whether the classification continues : Determination of whether the classification continues to be warranted today or if new research provides a rationale for changing the classification
Examine the problems of moral relativism : Examine the problems of moral relativism, and why it poses a significant obstacle to living a good life.
Research leading methods of continuous quality improvemet : research the leading methods of continuous quality improvement in health care, including Plan-Do-Study-Act, Rapid Cycle Improvement, FOCUS-PCDA, Lean, Six Sigma
Choosing between deontological and teleological options : What are some examples of a real-life scenario where you had to made an ethical decision, choosing between deontological and teleological options?
Discuss the history of fingerprints : discuss the history of fingerprints as a science, including timelines, progress, and accomplishments and accomplishments in the history of fingerprints


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