Reference no: EM133464563
Today, health now and then has always been a major factor in everyone's life to be a productive member of society. However, with a lot of determinants affecting someone's health has been an ongoing issue amongst us all. There is someone I know close to me, Individual A, that has a chronic health condition which is diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic disease that is hard to manage and control today and can affect other systems within the human body if not properly managed. It is life-long, and can is a chronic disease that cannot be cured. You have two types of Diabetes which is Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 diabetes is where the pancreas does not make insulin versus Type 2 diabetes the pancreas makes less insulin causing high blood sugar levels. Individual A has Type 2 diabetes and takes medication to manage it and cannot stop taking it either or if so, becomes life threatening.
I choose income determinant for the economic factor because it is well-known that income influences how you take care of yourself. Of course, healthy groceries are expensive and not healthy groceries are far cheaper. Individual A is not making a certain amount of money a month to afford expensive groceries so turn to the cheaper ones. Especially, since Individual A goes to the supermarket for food, but is surrounded by sugary beverages, processed meats, white breads, and junk food. With Individual A, that is how they had developed diabetes from consistent bad eating habits, sitting a lot, and not having good health insurance. In all, Individual A is limited to food choices with little options to choose from to maintain good healthy habits with food as others and health insurance that charges a high co-payment with a high deductible that is hardly feasible.
The other determinant to mention is gender for social factor since gender equality is a major force in variety of categories within our society. With Individual A being a female, they are restricted to education and job opportunities offered to them versus a male. Currently, Individual A did experience job-related bias to where they were qualified for a job promotion; however, the other candidate which was a male was picked instead. For example, men and women always had a divide between health inequality and women usually experiencing it more. Individual A has faced a few barriers within the workplace to where it limited accessibility to better health and health resources. In closing, society has placed a stigma on women and negatively impacting improvement/advancement for their health/well-being.
In conclusion, all health care managers need to come up with a solution for all to address these and other determinants in healthcare. They can influence, market healthier food choices, supply and demand resources for better healthcare accessibility, and increase programs that anyone can join to promote and increase physical activity. Furthermore, they can help Individual A with better quality of diabetes maintenance and prevention of diabetes complications.