Detailed swot analysis

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Reference no: EM1341253 , Length: 10 Pages

Consider the product or service idea proposed for the Team Business Plan. If you would prefer to write a detailed SWOT Analysis of another business, ask your professor for permission. When a business professional reads this paper, he or she will have a clear understanding of how your company will address internal and external market forces. Overcoming potential threats to your success is a key to this topic. Risk analysis will be a crucial element for this paper. If your business idea does not lend itself to a thorough discussion of all of the following elements, select another business idea or another topic. Instructors will use this rubric to the Detailed SWOT Analysis papers.  



Strengths are clearly articulated and relevant. They are supported by both information from this specific business concept as well as industry norms.                                                         


Weaknesses are clearly articulated and relevant. They are supported by both information from this specific business concept as well as industry norms.                                                      


Opportunities are clearly articulated and relevant. They are supported by both information from this specific business concept as well as industry norms.                                       


Threats are clearly articulated and relevant. They are supported by both information from this specific business concept as well as industry norms.                                         


In addition to the narrative, a summary chart depicting the key elements of this business' SWOT analysis using bullet points is provided.                                             

Risk Management Plan                                                                 

The risk analysis quantitatively and qualitatively defines both positive risks (opportunities) and negative risks (threats).                            

Risks are prioritized and the most likely and relevant risks are identified (a chart or table may help you communicate this information                  

Risk strategies are created for the most likely and relevant risks (contingency planning, avoidance strategies, optimation strategies, transference such as insurance, etc.).                      


All of the elements of the SWOT are based upon industry data.                                               

Details are researched and assertions are supported.                                                    

Earn points for using at least five academic or business sources (deduct 2 points for four sources, 4 points for three sources, and so forth).   

Reference no: EM1341253

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