Detailed records-documentation of all financial transactions

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132287190

Research shows that most new business ventures (not franchises) have serious challenges when it comes to acquiring start-up capital, predicting expenses and managing cash shortfalls. As a matter of fact, about 8 out 10 new businesses are no longer running after 10 years. Reasons include poor or inadequate management training, faulty or scant market research, or even boredom with the business. The number one reason for failure, however, is poor financial planning and management. So after reviewing the content in Chapters 7-10, incorporate your answers to the questions below in a 300-400 word summary.

1. What did you learn about managing finances effectively to maintain and grow your business?  

2. Is it necessary for every entrepreneur to have a deep understanding of financial statements?

3. Many, if not most successful entrepreneurs, are real "penny-pinchers." Why do you think this is so?

4. Why is it important to keep detailed records and documentation of all financial transactions?

Reference no: EM132287190

Questions Cloud

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A model derived from the work of safety expert james reason : A framework explicitly for reasoning about humans in computer security by CMU professor Laurie Cranor.
Hired to establish the compensation package : Let's assume that you have been hired to establish the compensation package for a newly formed company.
Detailed records-documentation of all financial transactions : Why is it important to keep detailed records and documentation of all financial transactions?
Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment : Share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.
Research approach that leads to marketing actions. : Discuss the 5 steps research approach that leads to marketing actions.
Conflict within organization be held to minimum conflict : How can be various types of conflict within an organization be held to a minimum conflict?
Complying with foreign government demands to censor : Complying with a foreign government’s demands to censor what in the United States would be considered free speech


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