Reference no: EM132283539 , Length: word count:800
Family/Community Involvement with EMPHASIS on Multi-cultural and Inclusion.
Relationships with families and community are important for your success. As the circle of community grows and healthy partnerships, non-judgement and acceptance are in the fore-front of new learning, consider all stakeholders involvement with a special interest this week in children's families. The term 'families/family is preferred over 'parents' due to the ever-changing and creative way people form their most inmate living situations and multi generational/community care of children. For this assignment, develop/create a multicultural and inclusive gathering for families, children, community. Complete the following and refer to new learning in textbook as well as outside resources. NOTE: if you decide to focus your event around food, bring forward our conversations on HEALTHY choices.
Here are the parts of this assignment that need to be researched, created and uploaded to assignment notepad on or before April 16: CITE SOURCES FROM ASSIGNED RESOURCES.
1. Detailed materials list and budget for community event
2. Final copy of event (the HAND-OUT - HANG-UP - (E)MAIL including all necessary information ready to give out to families and post in various community locations or mail.
3. Narrative describing your process of creating this event responds to all prompts:
- What are your goals for this event?
- In what ways did you meet criteria of multi-cultural and inclusion - (cite sources) new learning required
- How will you raise funds?
- Include resources based on assigned resources this week (cite sources).
Specific needs related to audience and purpose should direct most of your choices related to content, organization and style.
INTRODUCTION - in the beginning: capture attention and provide direction (1-3 paragraphs)
LEAD = first sentence
THESIS STATEMENT = main idea of essay
TRANSITION = link from introduction to body
BODY - in the middle: support thesis and develop ideas (3-10 paragraphs)
Every paragraph should contain:
TOPIC SENTENCE = main idea of paragraph
SUPPORT SENTENCES = examples, evidence
TRANSITION = link one paragraph to the next
CONCLUSION - in the end: summarize main idea and signal completion (1-3 paragraphs)
TRANSITION = link body to conclusion
FINAL SENTENCE = your last words.
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