Detailed design of any wingwalls required

Assignment Help Civil Engineering
Reference no: EM132244928 , Length: word count:5000


1. A bridge to carry a new three-lane highway across a series of existing rail tracks and sidings located in a major urban area in the North of England. The vertical alignment of the new highway is constrained by the clearances required above the railway and by the presence of an existing highway viaduct which the new highway has to pass beneath. The horizontal alignment of the new highway bridge is fixed due to the close proximity of two leaf piers supporting the existing viaduct, which the new road has to pass between. These constraints are illustrated on Figure 1. Both the new highway and the existing ground are horizontal (i.e. they have a gradient of 0% ).

2. The new bridge is to have three traffic lanes with a total width between kerbs of 11.0 m. In addition, a 2.0 m wide footway is to be provided at each side of the highway.

3. The required minimum clearance to the overhead viaduct must be achieved for the completed new bridge. The minimum clearance to the existing railway must be achieved at all times during construction and for the completed new bridge.

4. Erection of the main superstructure elements for the spans over the railway must take place during rail possessions. Once these elements have been erected, further work on the bridge superstructure over the rail tracks and sidings can be carried out at any time, provided that full protection is provided to prevent any items of the works or plant falling onto the tracks.

5. Rail track possessions can be allowed as follows:

Main tracks: Any weekend, between 22:00 hrs Saturday evening and 14:00 hrs Sunday afternoon.

Sidings: Any weekend, between 20.00 hrs Friday evening and 07.00 hrs Monday morning. In addition, closures of the sidings can be arranged (if necessary) for two non-consecutive periods each of two weeks duration.

6. A minimum horizontal clearance of 4.5 m shall be provided between any rail and the face of any piers or abutments to the new bridge above ground level, to avoid the need to design these elements for accidental impact.


7. Vertical traffic loading 10.0 kN/m2
Note: alternatively, where local wheel effects are likely to be more critical, a 100 kN wheel load applied to a plan area of 0.3 m x 0.3 m shall be considered.
Longitudinal loading 750 kN (horizontal load applied at highway surface or via the bridge bearings, where these have been provided).
Lateral wind loading 2.0 kN/m2 (acting on a max. vehicle height of 2.5m)

All the above loads are characteristic (unfactored) values.


8. The characteristic temperature range = 50ºC.

9. Typical ground conditions:
Existing ground level - 2.0 m Made ground. SPT (N) values vary between 1 and 5.
2.0 m - 7.0 m Alluvium. Sand and Gravel. SPT (N) values vary between 10 and 20.
7.0 m - 12.0 m Soft Clay. Cu = 25 kN/m2.
Below 12.0 m Firm to Stiff Clay. Cu = 75 kN/m2.

Groundwater was encountered in the alluvium during the ground investigation. The firm to stiff clay was proven to a depth of 30.0 m below existing ground level.

10. Detailed design of any wingwalls required for the abutments or any intermediate supports (although these must be shown on your drawings). Detailed design of any vehicle containment parapets. Detailed consideration of collision load effects and any stresses caused by temperature differences between the highway surface and the deck soffit.


Prepare a design appraisal with appropriate sketches indicating two distinct and viable solutions for the proposed bridge including the foundations for the end and any intermediate supports. Indicate clearly the functional framing, load transfer and stability aspects of each scheme. Identify the solution you recommend, giving reasons for your choice.


For the solution recommended in Section 1:

2.1 Detailed Design Calculations
Prepare sufficient design calculations to establish the form and size of all the principal structural elements for the new bridge. You are required to produce calculations for all the principal structural members including a typical section of the bridge superstructure (including any beams and deck slab, as appropriate) and one of the end supports and its foundations. You are NOT required to produce detailed design calculations for any intermediate supports. Calculations are also required to show that the structure remains stable during all stages of construction.

2.2 Drawings and Construction Process

a). Prepare general arrangement plans, sections and elevations to show the dimensions, layout and disposition of the structural elements and critical details for estimating purposes. All drawings must be suitably annotated giving details of material specifications and any special construction sequences, as appropriate.

b). Prepare a detailed method statement (including supporting risk assessments) for the safe construction of the bridge and an outline construction programme in the form of a bar (or Gantt) chart.


Up to 10 marks will be awarded based on the quality of the presentation of the written work. This includes the layout and structure of the report as well as correct spelling, grammar and referencing. (Marks for the quality of presentation of the calculations and the drawings are included in the marks awarded for 2.1 and 2.2, respectively).


Up to 10 marks will be awarded based on the progress made throughout the study period (this will be assessed primarily during the small group-based tutorial sessions) and on the degree of originality demonstrated in the design work.

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM132244928

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2/27/2019 11:26:34 PM

• The work you submit for this module is to consist of one hard copy of a single volume project report (A4 size). • The report is to be a self-contained document consisting of all the parts described below. • The word-processed parts of the report should be double-sided to save paper and reduce costs. • Page numbers should be provided at the centre of the footer of each page. • All pages and appendices should be bound together to form a single report. Thermal binding is the preferred form of binding (spiral binding is acceptable but tends to split or unravel). Loose leaf reports are not acceptable.


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• It is essential that you come well-prepared to the tutorials. You should bring the work you have completed together with a list of questions to help you to make progress in an efficient manner. • The tutorials will be used: a). To provide constructive feedback on the work you have completed; b). To provide you with an opportunity to ask questions and to seek further guidance; c). By the supervisor to assess your progress throughout the duration of the project. • Additional (individual or group) tutorials can be booked outside the timetabled periods with Prof Garrity by email. These will normally be held in Prof Garrity’s office (room 4.04). Please try to give at least 24 hours’ notice for such meetings.


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• You will be expected to work on this individual project work steadily throughout semesters 1 and 2. A proportion of the final mark awarded is based on the progress you make throughout the study period (see later). • After the launch of the project, the introduction of this brief and some preparatory lectures, supervision will be provided on a regular small group-based tutorial basis. These tutorials are compulsory for all students. • In semester 1 the tutorials will be held either on Tuesdays (14.00 – 16.00 hrs: all PT and some FT students) or on Fridays – FT students only. A similar timetable will operate in semester 2. A more detailed timetable of tutorial meetings will be provided on the VLE once student numbers have been confirmed.


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Be able to develop an outline brief into a more detailed designer’s brief (or design specification); c). Be able to develop conceptual solutions to an engineering problem through a process of critical appraisal of at least two outline solutions, based on your design specification. d). Be able to justify your proposed concepts on rational engineering grounds; e). Be able to apply some of the engineering knowledge you have gained in your previous studies to solve an engineering problem; f). Develop a detailed design solution from a concept and communicate your proposals in the form of detailed drawings with supporting analysis and detailed design calculations. g). Be able to seek appropriate advice from a construction professional and be able to learn independently to complete an engineering design exercise.


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• Not all the information you need to complete the work has been provided. This is deliberate and reflects the situation that you usually face in practice. You must make reasonable assumptions about the site, material properties, etc., where you consider it to be appropriate. You must state any assumptions made in an appropriate part of your submitted work. • You may use any material or combinations of materials for your design. Indeed, it is expected and strongly encouraged that you will consider different materials and different forms of construction during Section 1 (Conceptual Design) of the project. • By the time you have completed this project, you should: a). Have gained an understanding of the factors that influence the development of solutions to engineering problems;


2/27/2019 11:25:54 PM

• Section 1 of the project deals with conceptual design – this should be substantially completed by the end of semester 1. Section 2 deals with detailed design. • The work you submit will consist of one single volume report. This is described in more detail in section 5. • The project is based on a past question set for the Chartered Membership examination of the Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE). • The work for this module is to be carried out on an individual basis, i.e. group-work, copying, duplication of work, etc. will be considered to be plagiarism. (Note: this does not mean that students cannot discuss outline ideas in groups). All sources of information used in this project work must be referenced or acknowledged in the submitted work. Guidance on referencing can be found on the University’s Library website (see also section 5, below).


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Outside the timetabled lecture and tutorial periods, contact between you and the supervisor will be by email. Please make sure that you check your email on a regular basis. Also, please note that some useful information (such as a copy of this document) will be posted on the VLE. • This is a 30 credit module. Your MSc programme consists of taught/project modules totalling 120 credits and a dissertation (60 credits). For this 30 credit module it is expected that the “average student” should spend in the order of 300 hours learning and study time to complete this module to a satisfactory level. • This project has been set for MSc students studying Structural Engineering. • It reflects the design process that you are likely to encounter (or that some of you may have already encountered) in industry.

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