Designing secure software

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM131416325

Designing Secure Software

Part 1 questions

The personnel manager has read an article about the vulnerability of transmitted information/data over a company network operating system. She is now somewhat concerned over the safeguarding of organizational data. She asks for your points of view on the subject - to brief her on some additional aspects of information security relating to the company's network and software. Please respond to all of the following prompts:

Why is networking potentially considered the root of all cybercrime?

What is security by obscurity, and why is it more dangerous than no security?

The company uses the Windows 7 operating system (OS).

That understood, what are some security features inherent to this OS?

Part 2

The personnel manager asks you to follow up with a short paper to her briefly going over the topics you discussed. She would like the document as a memo, highlighting the subject areas you thought worthy enough to bring to her attention during the discussion. Complete the following assignment:

Write a ½ page memo that explains factors to consider when selecting a programming language to develop secure software.

Conclude your memo with your recommendation of the programming language the team should use.

To add credibility to your ideas, locate at least 2 articles on the topic that have been written within the past 5 years.

Be sure to cite these sources.

Your memo should be professionally written and should not simply restate or paraphrase the sources researched. It should present a personal view of the factors to consider, along with a solid justification for your recommendation.

Part 3 questions

2. Explain the role of the data dictionary in the DBMS?

4. Define the difference between the database and the database management system.

9. Define and explain SQL. How does it differ from other programming languages and what are the components?

10. Define and explain the concept of the user interface. How does the user interface connect to the DBMS?

Reference no: EM131416325

Questions Cloud

Identify potential sources of quality of life information : identify five potential sources of quality of life information for your community. What types of social indicators or other information for a social assessment can each provide?
Database application development : Scripting languages are used to develop dynamic Web sites, offering tight integration with databases and the ability to offer portability and stability through a variety of environments. There are a variety of scripting languages that operate on a..
Find the mean and standard deviation for x : Explain why X is a binomial random variable, and specify n and p, assuming that the participant is just guessing.- Find the mean and standard deviation for X if the participant is just guessing.
What is the mean value of t : What is the mean value of T = total time for the four people ahead of Jackson?- Assuming that the times for the four people are independent of each other, determine the standard deviation of T.
Designing secure software : The personnel manager has read an article about the vulnerability of transmitted information/data over a company network operating system. She is now somewhat concerned over the safeguarding of organizational data.
Identify new market space for the conglomerate : What approaches would you recommend the Blue Ocean Strategy team use to identify new market space for the conglomerate?
In what ways are core values violated in the themes : What techniques can you use to ensure you are properly balanced between "I" statements (monologue communication), and achieving proper messaging to those you communicate with?
What is the mean value for the distribution of d : Consider D = X - Y, the difference between the heights of the two men. What type of distribution will the variable D have?- What is the mean value for the distribution of D?
What are the values of n and p for the binomial distribution : Let X = number of correct guesses that Isabelle makes. What are the values of n and p for the binomial distribution that describes X?


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