Designing and solving algebra problem

Assignment Help Algebra
Reference no: EM13119639

Using your home as inspiration, design a word problem that can be solved using an algebraic equation. In preparing your problem, consider how much information is needed to solve the problem, how to best present that information and how much information to present (it might be more!).

Please show all of your solution steps and explain your reasons for the approach you took to solving each problem

Reference no: EM13119639

Questions Cloud

In which month unusual to have day with high temperature : While in July the mean high temperature is 74oF and the standard deviation is 8oF. In which month is it more unusual to have a day with a high temperature of 55oF?
Farmer dean mullis : I am a farmer.My wife, Jenifer, and I pull our food from the ground and butcher chickens and turkeys, and sell it all to you. We are humbled by what it takes to grow real food for ourselves and our customers but make no apologies for what we do.
Use your knowledge about the limits to cell size : After reading the article titled, "Epulopiscium fishelsoni, Big Bug Baffles Biologists!", use your knowledge about the limits to cell size and speculate as to why these cells can grow so large.
Determine the warranty period : Determine the warranty period, The project managers of a television manufacturing company plan to determine a warranty period for their 46" flat screen TV's so that only less than 4% of the time a failure would happen during the warranty period
Designing and solving algebra problem : Using your home as inspiration, design a word problem that can be solved using an algebraic equation. In preparing your problem, consider how much information is needed to solve the problem
Frequency distributions used effectively to report resuts : Then comment on the effectiveness of the presentation: Were the frequency distributions used effectively to report the results? Why or why not?
When does cell division become a factor : When does cell division become a factor to consider as we think of the challenges of control of cancer?
What is the percentage yield : When NH3 is prepared from 28 g N2 and excess H2 the theoretical yield of NH3 is 34 g. When this reaction is carried out in a given experiment, only 30. g is produced.
Find probability that receiver makes wrong decision : The modem receiver takes a majority vote of the five received bits to estimate the input signal. Find the probability that the receiver makes the wrong decision.


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