Designing and populating a course table

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM1380237

a. Using the data below, design and populate a table that includes basic training rate information. Designate the "Technical" field type as "Yes/No" (Boolean).

b. Use data to design and populate a course table. Designate the CourseID field as a "Primary Key" and allow your database to automatically produce a value for this field. Designate the "Technical" field type as "Yes/No" (Boolean).

c. Prepare a query that lists each course name and its cost per day of training.

d. Prepare a query that lists the cost per student for each class. Assume maximum capacity and that you will schedule two half-day classes on the same day to take full advantage of HOTT's per day pricing schedule.

Pricing table
Technical Price per day capacity
Yes $2,680 15
No $2,144 30

Course table

Course ID Course name Duration Technical
1 ASP Programming 5 Yes
2 XML Programming 5 Yes
3 PHP Programming 4 Yes
4 Microsoft word-Advanced 0.5 No
5 Microsoft Excel-Advanced 0.5 No


Reference no: EM1380237

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