Design your personal web page

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM133159559

CIS 554 IT Project Leadership Strategies - Strayer University

Question 1. Design your personal web page which includes your name, picture, a short paragraph describing yourself, etc. Create a subdirectory public_html under your home directory on grail and put your HTML file index.htm there. Make sure that public_html is accessible and index.html is readable. Your homepage can be reached at (replace yourloginid with your login name). Print your homepage from a browser and submit it as your homework cover page.

Question 2. Log into, then use ssh to log into one of the other Linux computers from the list on the next page. Using the attached Sockets Server (socket.c) and Sockets Client (client.c), copy them to your grail home directory. Some Linux text editors are nano, pico, vi, emacs, gedit. Compile the server and client by typing:
gcc server.c -o server gcc client.c -o client

Test the programs to see if they work correctly. On the current computer, type:
./server 54321 (choose a number between 2000 and 65535, 54321 is just an example).
The server is now waiting for the client to connect. Open another terminal and sign onto grail, then sign on to a different computer from where your server is running. E.g., if your server is running on renoir, sign on to rodin. On the second computer, type:
./client TheServer 54321 (TheServer is the host computer running server, e.g. renoir). (54321 is the socket on which you started the server earlier).

The client should prompt you to enter a message. If there are no errors, the server will display the message you typed to stdout and terminate, after which the client prints an acknowledgment message and terminates. You can see the result of the message being sent by switching back to the first terminal to view the server screen.

Now that you have the above programs working, modify the stream-based client and server sockets to be an echo server, where the client sends a message, and the server returns that message, the client receives it, and prints the echoed message. Hint: make a modification of the above client and server programs to transfer multiple messages back and forth until the client terminates the connection. Submit the echo client and server programs and screen captures proving that the programs worked successfully.
Additional information about Sockets Programming is in section 2.7 (pp 52-61).

Reference no: EM133159559

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