Reference no: EM131370646
Topic 1nple
Design your own Movie Rating System and explain why you created it the way you did.
Also, give us a paragraph that explains each category.
My new movie rating system will be based on age groups. I think using age groupings will help parents to decide about a movie, first based on the age group rating of the movie, and then they can take into account the maturity of the child.
The first rating will be E. Rated E for everyone. Cartoons and young children centered movie that currently have a G rating. All ages are allowed.
The second rating will be PD. Parental discretion. Ages that are appropriate are 7 -13 with the parental discretion on whether or their child can watch the movie. Similar to the PG rating now, these movies can contain some language and suggestive content.
The next rating will O17. Which stands for over 17. These films have strong language and some violence. This rating is similar to the R rating but this new rating will let the parents know that the movie strongly suggested for over 17 because of the language and content.
I will create a special rating for horror films. DC, will stand for disturbing content and will give the choice to parents of children over 13 on whether or not their child sees the movie. You need to be over 13, but I think there are some horror movies that can be seen by kids under 17 that usually just automatically get an R rating.
And then there will be an SC rating for sexual content. I know there are a lot of parents that would like to know the kind of nudity or sexual content in a movie before telling their kids they can see it. It will be a way to separate movies with harsh language from movies with nudity. Or you can combine ratings to really give people an idea of what's in it before they make a decision.
For this Discussion, you are to watch two feature length movies. One film is to be one in which the higher "Good" does not "Win." The other film is to be one in which the higher "Good" does "Win."
You may choose films from the list "ARTH 204 List of Movies for Week Two" found in the content for Week Two. (List of Movies) You may also choose other films that meet the following criteria:
1. No war or battle movies since that is a topic we will cover later in class
2. No animation films for this Discussion.
3. The film must not be ambivalent about the nature of goodness.
After watching these films, answer the following questions.
Please indicate which film fits into which category. When you name characters (or indicate the person by the actor) for the first time, please make sure you indicated which film the character is from.
Of the two films you watched for this Discussion assignment, which one did you like or enjoy the most? Explain why?
Briefly explain the nature of "goodness" in each film.
Of the two films, which character do you consider to have the most "goodness." Explain.
For each of the films, what do you believe was the intended message regarding good vs. bad, morals, or ethics? Explain.
Remember to place the film information for each movie at the bottom of your post using the Style Guide found in the Syllabus Content.
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Design your own movie rating system and explain
: My new movie rating system will be based on age groups. I think using age groupings will help parents to decide about a movie, first based on the age group rating of the movie, and then they can take into account the maturity of the child.
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