Design your application according to the considerations

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13161799

Your instructor maintains a database of technical books in his collection.  You will find a copy of this database in the file: library.txt which is part of this assignment. The format of this file is such that every book occupies two lines. The first line contains the title and the second line contains the author or authors.

Your first task is to write a program which reads this file into two parallel arrays in memory. One array contains the titles, and the other array contains the authors. The arrays are 'parallel' in the sense that the n-th element of the authors array contains the authors associated with the n-th element of the titles array. Although the data in the test file describes only a few books you should dimension your arrays for an arbitrary number of books in the live data file (which may be different from the test file). The size of the arrays should be defined in your program by the declaration const int ARRAY_SIZE = 1000.

For the purpose of this assignment (so as not to make it too complicated) you should declare your two arrays at filescope (i.e. outside any function and before the function main()). The declarations should be as follows:

string bookTitle [ARRAY_SIZE];

string bookAuthor [ARRAY_SIZE];

Write a function whose signature is as follows:

int loadData (string pathname)

The function loadData should open the data file located in the path on your hard disk specified by pathname. If it cannot open the file for some reason, it should return a value of -1 as an error result. Otherwise it should read the data in the file into the two parallel arrays, and return the number of book records that it read.

Now write a function whose signature is as follows:

void showAll (int count)

The parameter count provides the number of books actually stored in the database (i.e the value returned by the function loadData()). showAll() should read the designated number of records in the parallel arrays and display it on the screen in the order it appears in the database, in single column format. In this display format the author or authors appear in parentheses following the title, and there is one book record per line of output. For example, using the data in the sample file, the output would look like this:

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Now test your work so far, by writing a main() function to prompt the user for the path to the data file, open and read the file to the parallel arrays using the function loadData() (providing error messages and recovery as appropriate if the file doesn't exist). Then display the contents of the file using showAll().

Step (2)

Extend your program into a menu driven application to query the database. When the program starts it should ask the user for the path to the data file, and read the data into the parallel arrays, as in step 1.

Then it should enter a loop, in each iteration of which it prompts the user for what they want to do. The actions are as follows depending on how the user responds to the prompt. See the sample dialog below to see how this works in practice.

Q or q: Quit. The program terminates.

S or s: The program displays all the records in the database using the function showAll you have already developed in step (1).

A or a: Search by Author. The program displays all records which contain the designated text somewhere in the author field. You should use a function with the following signature for this purpose: void showBooksByAuthor (int count, string name). This function should display all books whose author field contains the string passed in the parameter called name. count specifies the number of books in the database.

T or t: Search by Title. The program displays all records which contain the designated text somewhere in the title field. You should use a function with the following signature for this purpose: void showBooksByTitle (int count, string title). This function should display all books whose title field contains the string passed in the parameter called title. count specifies the number of books in the database.

Sample Dialog

Note: In the example below, the user's input is in BOLD. The program output is not.

Welcome to [your name here]'s Library Database.

Please enter the name of the backup file: C:\library.txt

14 records loaded successfully.

Enter Q to (Q)uit, Search (A)uthor, Search (T)itle, (S)how All: A

Author's Name: Malik

C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis... (Malik)

C++ Programming: Program Design Including... (D. S. Malik)

2 records found.

Enter Q to (Q)uit, Search (A)uthor, Search (T)itle, (S)how All: A

Author's Name: Goble

0 records found.

Enter Q to (Q)uit, Search (A)uthor, Search (T)itle, (S)how All: T

Title: Game

Game Development Essentials (Novak)

The Game Maker's Apprentice (Overmars)

Game Character Development with Maya (Ward)

Developing Games in Java (Brackeen)

Audio for Games (Brandon)

5 records found.

Enter Q to (Q)uit, Search (A)uthor, Search (T)itle, (S)how All: Q

Design Considerations

1) Please display your name and not mine in the welcome message.

  • It is an essential part of your grade that you design your application according to the considerations described above.  For example, you must use functions that have the specified signatures, and arrays that have the specified declarations.  They are as follows:

// These declarations should be at file scope

const int ARRAY_SIZE = 1000;

string bookTitle  [ARRAY_SIZE];

string bookAuthor [ARRAY_SIZE];

// Function prototypes

int loadData(string pathname);  

void showAll(int count);

void showBooksByAuthor (int count, string name);

void showBooksByTitle (int count, string title);

Reference no: EM13161799

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