Design-write program to enter score repetition structure

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1364735

Follow the Assignment Guidelines presented in the syllabus under Course Home*
Test Letter Grades and Average
Design and write a program that asks the user to enter five test scores using a repetition structure. The program should display the letter grade for each score and the average test score at the end of the program. Design and include the following function and two modules in the program:
getTestScores - This module will prompt the user to enter the grades use a function to determine letter grades and accumulate the total of the test scores.

determineLetterGrade - This function should accept a test score as an argument and using a decision structure return a letter grade for the score (as a String) based on the following grading scale.

Score Letter Grade
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
Below 60 F

calculateAverageScore - This module will receive the total of the text scores, calculate the average score, and display the average score.
The assignment should include:
1. Software requirements
2. Algorithm
3. Hierarchy chart
4. An IPO chart for the function
5. Pseudocode
*Note: You do not have to develop the flowcharts for this assignment. Neither are you required to present the hand tracing, but it is recommended that you verify the accuracy of your program by playing computer with your pseudocode and some sample test score data.

Reference no: EM1364735

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