Design thinking process in established organisations

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM132112252

This is a GROUP assessment that consists of two components:

Oral presentation of Design Thinking process

Written report, critically discussing the challenges of implementing the Design Thinking process in established organisations

At the start of term, you are required to join a team (3-5 students per team). Throughout the term, teams will undertake the following activities:

identify a problem that could be addressed/improved through Design Thinking (the problem may be of a social, service, commercial or digital nature);

use Design Thinking tools, techniques and mind-set to develop ideas for innovations that address/improve the problem you have identi?ed;
consider future steps to launch the innovative solution;

present the Design Thinking process that you have applied to identify the problem and achieve the innovative solution; and

develop a written report critically discussing the challenges of implementing Design Thinking in established organisations.

You will have the opportunity to experience and apply relevant tools and techniques throughout the term and you are STRONGLY encouraged to actively and creatively make use of opportunities provided in-class (on-campus students) and online (distance students) to practice and re?ne your Design Thinking skills and solutions.

The presentation looks to the past in that it should report on the Design Thinking activities your team has carried out to get to the innovative solution(s) you have incubated - there is no maximum of activities you should carry out as this depends upon how you progress your innovation and whether you have repeated some activities multiple times. However, as an absolute minimum, you are expected to report on 10 activities as per the prescribed textbook. Your presentation must cover the following:

What you have done (activities);

What the outcomes of these activities were;

What outcome(s) you chose and why;

Where - within the Design Thinking process - you are at the point of presenting.

You should ensure that you go beyond purely describing the activities and instead include some critical evaluation of the tools' merit to your particular Design Thinking process. The description of activities, tools and techniques requires references to relevant literature and evidence of your involvement with these activities. You can evidence this, for instance, by including photographs of your activities that you should be compiling for your blog in assessment 3 anyway, but please remember that this group report deals with your ACTIVITIES and their OUTCOMES, not with the REFLECTIONS on your personal learning - the latter is the content of assessment 3. An absolute minimum of 8 academic references is required. Further supporting material is available in Moodle.

Presentations should be between 13 and 15 minutes in duration - presenters will be stopped if they go over the 15 minute mark. Each team member should contribute roughly equally. Presentations should make use of PowerPoint slides, which have to be submitted via Moodle. Prezi or other approaches are only permitted with PRIOR approval from the unit co-ordinator. You are encouraged to utilise other visual aids (printed diagrams, prototypes, etc.) to support your presentation.


The report should be 1,250 to 1,500 words, excluding preliminaries, tables, ?gures, references and appendices.
To successfully complete this part of the assessment, you are required to research literature about the challenges that organisations face when trying to implement Design Thinking. You are required to compare your group's experience of Design Thinking with the realities of implementing Design Thinking in an established organisation, based on your literature research. You may choose a speci?c organisation or you may keep your discussion generic. An absolute minimum of 8 references is required (most of these must be academic, peer-reviewed publications, but some may be high-quality practitioner reports).


- Ability to describe and critically evaluate a minimum of 10 suitable Design Thinking tools/techniques that your group has utilised, alongside their outcomes
- Presentation of evidence that your group has utilised these tools/techniques
- Ability to identify how far your group has progressed in their Design Thinking process
- Demonstrate a breadth and quality of research by using a minimum of 8 academic sources
- Correct use of the APA referencing system
- Ability to work cooperatively in a work-based team to prepare a professional presentation (appropriate personal professional standards in terms of dress, verbal and non-verbal communication consistent with standards expected of professional leaders and managers in the work context) in the nominated format


- Ability to compare own experience within this unit and the realities of implementing Design Thinking in organisations
- Demonstrate a breadth and quality of research by using a minimum of 8 high-quality sources
- Correct use of the APA referencing system
- Ability to critically discuss challenges of implementing Design Thinking in organisations
- Ability to construct a complete and professional report in the nominated format consistent with standards expected of professional leaders and managers in the work context

As Masters students you are required to engage in research as per the Australia Quality Framework (AQF) guidelines. Two specific requirements need to be considered. Students need to demonstrate "a body of knowledge that includes the understanding of recent developments in a discipline and/or area of professional practice, and demonstrate "knowledge of research principles and methods applicable to a field of work and/or learning".

Each unit in your course has a number of required weekly readings in terms of academic texts, journals and business publications that represent the appropriate body of knowledge and recent developments referred to by the AQF. In order to demonstrate the ability to engage in appropriate research, students should read and utilise these texts and journals and publications, and as Masters students, indicate a willingness to research beyond this minimum standard through additional texts, journals and studies that demonstrate an ability to engage in independent research.

Students should insure that they understand the specific research that is required for each assessment piece and recognise that if they meet this minimum requirement, you will receive the minimum grade for demonstrated research.

Attachment:- video.rar

Verified Expert

The project provides an understanding of how systems thinking tools can be used for interpreting solutions of undefined and wicked problems. The application of systems thinking tools is done on a major global concern that is increasing rate of sexual harassment. In order to have a better understanding of this problem, the study has focused on sexual harassment at workplace. First a group presentation is prepared to show the way designed thinking can be applied in this case and then a report is provided to elaborate the gap between how organisations are adapting of implementing designed thinking and the theories that we have learn about the process.

Reference no: EM132112252

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11/13/2018 2:11:25 AM

This report is relevant what I have asked to do in assignment. I explain why they been used to solve problems and solution. You have provided particular solution for the problems. You have to compare this problem with other literature review. In presentation it is general information provided. I told you to make a ppt with format. Please read my all messages before so that you can make a good assignment. Even watch that you tube video it clears everything about assignment. you have made accurate assignment which is been asked by tutor. Thanks for providing me the solution before deadline..


11/13/2018 2:10:52 AM

30125350_1some important note from proff.docx now please give me problems so that I can choose one of them Use of big data in Marketing management and digital communication second issu is good but then will tou be able to compare it woth any liturature review because you have to make it and also you have to mention in report that group has carried out some activity from SUCH a reference so will this all be possible? Amd main thing that in whole assignment you have to more Focus on that 10 DT tools which you will provide that how that tools helpful to identify and solve the problem If this all is fine then you can make assignment on second issue and please give me materiel as well from where you will make assignment


11/13/2018 2:10:34 AM

One more give at least one solution yes I will create video. just provide me 1500 words report( in this provide one strong problem from the area given, one or more solution, 10 dt tools(dont explain dt tools, explain why you used to solve problem or find problem, ), ppt and portfolio . Make sure you make a good ppt that covers all assignment . please elaborate words if needed in ppt jus dont make a general ppt this file contains important information by tutor on the assignment that you can not just make ppt from the report itselt both must be different


11/13/2018 2:10:16 AM

it is mention thay we have to make a portfolio as well to mention that how we identify the problem and worked on it. Morever you have to provide one or more solution for that particular problem I send assignment requirements. Actually this assessment has one report , ppt and portfolio ( means any material that explain brief idea about the problem . Its very important for this. In this assignment, we need to use 10 dt tools( dont explain what is dt tools) , explain how dt tools used for explaining about problem.


11/13/2018 2:09:49 AM

https:// / watch?v=QI17Ge MxGV4&feature This is the vedio that will make everything clear about the assignment please have a look. You will make portfolio, PPT and report. hii 30125355_1design it specification . docx 3012535 5_2MGMT20140 T2 Assessment 2 - Assessment Criteria . docx please see the assignment description so that you can have idea what to make and you must watch that video I sent to you which is very important to make clear everything about the assignment Okay we will provide you 1500 Words report and 6-8 PPT slides read assignment description file.


9/13/2018 10:59:07 PM

Yes I will create video. just provide me 1500 words report( in this provide one strong problem from the area given, one or more solution, 10 dt tools(dont explain dt tools, explain why you used to solve problem or find problem, ), ppt and portfolio . Make sure you make a good ppt that covers all assignment . please elaborate words if needed in ppt jus dont make a general ppt Now please give me problems so that I can choose one of them This file contains important information by tutor on the assignment that you can not just make ppt from the report itselt both must be different


9/13/2018 10:58:58 PM

Please see the assignment description so that you can have idea what to make and you must watch that video I sent to you which is very important to make clear everything about the assignment And in report you have to make around 1500 words and in that you have to take one literature researsh as well to compare our ideas and thinking with others It is mention thay we have to make a portfolio as well to mention that how we identify the problem and worked on it. Morever you have to provide one or more solution for that particular problem. I send assignment requirements. Actually this assessment has one report , ppt and portfolio ( means any material that explain brief idea about the problem . Its very important for this. In this assignment, we need to use 10 dt tools( dont explain what is dt tools) , explain how dt tools used for explaining about problem. One more give at least one solution


9/13/2018 10:58:44 PM

worried that we would get it wrong." This is a short report (1,250 - 1,500 words), but it should include a minimum of 8 academic references. Please note: you can use references in more than 1 piece of assessment, but only IF the content is relevant to multiple assessments. Remember that many marks can be easily gained by simply following the APA style guide and by ensuring you do more than the minimum in terms of background reading and referencing. This applies to the slides and the report as both items require IN-TEXT referencing and a reference list.


9/13/2018 10:58:34 PM

Report: The report does NOT repeat the exact same content as the presentation. The report requires you to compare your group's experience of Design Thinking with the realities of implementing Design Thinking in an established organisation. This means you need to READ about DT (especially the challenges of implementing it in organisations) and then compare your experience of doing DT (this is based on YOUR experience, i.e. write in first person) with the realities of implementing DT in organisations (this is based on your reading of the literature). For example: "The literature identified that a common challenge for enterprise in general is the fear of failure, which often results in employees and management not wanting to engage in experimentation (Brown and Wyatt, 2010). We know that experimentation is a key component of DT (Glen et al., 2014), and – in class - we were constantly encouraged to just try out some DT tools, but we still felt uncomfortable and were


9/13/2018 10:58:26 PM

Presentation slides and content: Please remember that you must present the slides as submitted - changes to the slides after the deadline are NOT permitted. You are, however, allowed to bring additional visual aids (e.g. prototypes, printed diagrams, mindmaps, videos, etc.) to your presentation on the day. That means you have to carefully decide what you put on the slides and what you leave off the slides. We need a minimum of 10 suitable DT tools/techniques, and a minimum of 8 academic references (in-text referencing AND a reference list on the slides). For each tool/technique, you need to: • tell the audience what you did (i.e. describe the activity), • refer to literature about the tool/technique (e.g. critically compare your experience to the literature), • provide EVIDENCE that you have in fact carried out the tool (e.g. photographs, bring along visual aids, etc.), and • tell the audience what the outcome was (i.e. what was the result of you carrying out the specific tool/technique?). Don't forget a BRIEF introduction to your chosen problem and a BRIEF conclusion telling us where, within the DT process, you are at the time of presenting.

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