Reference no: EM133005651
Refer to background information provided in Assessments 1 and 2 regarding Australian Assorted Bakery System project. Please refer to the marking guide when preparing your response to see what criteria and standards will be used to assess your work.
Assessment Item Tasks
This assignment has two (2) tasks as described below:
Task 1: Design the system architecture, describing the important hardware and software components (servers, clients etc.) and their role. Justify your design decisions that involve a choice of technology or choice of software components. Draw one or more architecture diagrams to better illustrate your designs.
Task 2: Perform use case realization for any use case from the Australian Assorted Bakery System and draw a sequence diagram. You can use the SSD from assessment item 2 as guidlines.
This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
be able to describe and apply feasibility study methods and approaches.
be able to develop system requirements models.
be able to demonstrate the ability to use the tools and techniques of object oriented and structured systems modelling.
Task 1: Design the system architecture.
Detailed design is proposed containing network components, software components and their interaction. The design takes into account all FRUPS requirements. Justifies choices with sound arguments.
Task 2: Use Cases Realization with Sequence Diagrams
Detailed sequence diagrams include exact messages, parameters, returned data and their sequencing. Diagrams also model loops and conditional branching.