Reference no: EM132355330
1. The Barking Lot is a dog day care center. Design the pseudocode for a program that accepts data for an ID number of the dog's owner, and the name, breed, age, and weight of the dog. Display a bill containing all the input data as well as the weekly day care fee, which is $55 for dogs under 15 points, $75 for dogs from 15 to 30 pounds inclusive, $105 for dogs from 31 to 80 pounds inclusive, and $125 for dogs over 80 pounds.
2. Mark Daniels is a carpenter who creates personalized house signs. He wants an applicatino to compute the price of any sign a customer orders, based on the following factors:
* the minimum charge for all signs is $30
* If the sign is made of oak, add $15. No charge is added for pine.
* The first six letters or numbers are included in the minimum charge; there is a $3 charge for each additional character.
* Black or white characters are included in the minimum charge; there is an additional $12 charge for gold-leaf lettering.
Design the pseudocode for the following:
A program that accepts data for an order number, customer name, wood type, number of characters, and color of characters. Display all the entered data and the final price for the sign.
This is what you currently have:
print ("Mark Daniels Custom Signs Order Form")
print ("Please follow the information below.")
client_Name= ("Please enter your name: ")
orderNumber= ("Please enter your phone number: ")
woodType= ("Please enter your wood type (Pine or Oak): ")
signText= ("Please ype what your sign should say: ")
print ("This is what your sign will say. %s" %signText)
charCount= len(signText)
print ("Your sign has %s characters. " %charCount)
textColor= ("Please specify what color you would like for the text in your sign (Black, White, or Gold): ")
woodCost= ("Extra cost associated Oak wood")
charCost= ("Cost per character after 6")
textCost= ("Extra cost is associated with gold text")
if woodType == "Oak":
wood_Cost == 15
elif woodType == "Pine":
woodCost == 0
if charCount <= 6:
charCost == 0
elif charCount >= 7:
charCost== (charCount - 6) * 3
if textColor == "Gold":
textCost== 12
elif textColor== "Black":
textCost == 0
elif textColor == "White":
textCost == 0
finalCost= (30) == (woodCost) == (charCost) == (textCost)
print ("The total for your order will be $%s." %finalCost)
this is my current error/ not working properly:
print ("Mark Daniels Custom Signs Order Form")
print ("Please follow the information below.")
client_Name= ("Please enter your name: ")
orderNumber= ("Please enter your phone number: ")
woodType= ("Please enter your wood type (Pine or Oak): ")
signText= ("Please ype what your sign should say: ")
print ("This is what your sign will say. %s" %signText)
charCount= len(signText)
print ("Your sign has %s characters. " %charCount)
textColor= ("Please specify what color you would like for the text in your sign (Black, White, or Gold): ")
woodCost= ("Extra cost associated Oak wood")
charCost= ("Cost per character after 6")
textCost= ("Extra cost is associated with gold text")
if woodType == "Oak":
wood_Cost == 15
elif woodType == "Pine":
woodCost == 0
if charCount <= 6:
charCost == 0
elif charCount >= 7:
charCost== (charCount - 6) * 3
if textColor == "Gold":
textCost== 12
elif textColor== "Black":
textCost == 0
elif textColor == "White":
textCost == 0
finalCost= (30) == (woodCost) == (charCost) == (textCost)
print ("The total for your order will be $%s." %finalCost)