Design the logical structure of a database

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM132350698

Relational Database Systems

Objective: This is an individual assignment aimed to give the student exposure in understanding, designing, building and analyzing database systems for a given real-time based scenario and be able to conduct optimal strategies for efficient management of databases.

Intended Learning Outcomes covered:

1. Design the logical structure of a database using Entity-Relationship diagram.

2. Apply normalization techniques to reduce redundancy in a database.

Task 1:

Complete the work proposal in Microsoft Word file format (may include possible answers based on your initial understanding). Work proposal for the assignment must be submitted before 23:59 hrs on 6/8/2019 and must include:

a) Understanding of deliverables - a detail description of deliverables.

b) General overview of proposed plan - initial understanding of solution to task 2 which includes, the name of entities, associative entities and relationships and a brief write up on the concept of referential integrity. Initial understanding of solution to task 3 which includes the process to be followed for normalization and a brief write up on the concept of data integrity.

c) Timeline and references for completion of task 2 and task 3.

Task 2:


Consider the following scenario of a car dealership. The owner wants to maintain a database for easy access to records related to the customers, cars both new and used, service details and other things. The requirements are as follows:

The details of the customer include the customer identity number, name, mobile number, address, e-mail.

A salesperson may sell one or many cars or may not sell any car. Each car is sold by one and only one salesperson.

The attributes of the salesperson include the unique identification number, the name, mobile number, address, e-mail, gender, age and date of joining.

The attributes of the car include the chassis number, the model number, color, brand and year of sale.

A salesperson writes an invoice whenever a car is bought by the customer. The details of the invoice include the invoice id, the date, day, time of the sale and car chassis number, the customer identity number, salesperson identification number as a reference. Each customer can be associated with multiple invoices or may not be associated with any invoice at all if he/she does not buy a car. But one invoice is related to only one customer.

A customer may also come in only to get his/her car serviced. The details of the service includes the service id, the date, day, time of the service and car chassis number, the customer identity number, mechanic identification number as a reference. A customer can give one or many cars for service or may not give car for any service. One service belongs to only one customer.

A service can be done by only one mechanic but each mechanic may work on one or many services or no service at all. The details about the mechanic include the id, name, mobile number, address, date of joining.

A car can have one or many service details associated, but one detail will be associated to only one car.

a) Construct the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for the above given scenario. Identify all the entities, associative entities, attributes of each entity including primary key, relationship between the entities and cardinality constraints. State any assumptions necessary to support your design.

b) Analyze the above given scenario and discuss about the possible structure of any two relations by giving the details on the datatype and the size of each attribute. State any assumptions necessary to support your design.

c) Discuss the possible constraints to be implemented in the design given in (b) part to make the design better. State any assumptions necessary to support your design.

Task 3:

a) Normalize the below given Form to First Normal Form, Second Normal Form and Third Normal Form. Make assumptions for the identification of the primary key wherever necessary.


INVOICE NO: 1233                                                                                       SALESMAN ID: S23

INVOICE DATE: 21/5/2019                                                                           SALESMAN NAME:BUDOOR TIME: 6:15 PM























12.000 OMR

10.000 OMR







1.100 OMR

2.200 OMR







22.500 OMR

22.500 OMR







b) Give a reflection of how normalization will help in achieving a better database design.
Support your answer with reference to the above Question. (At least 100 words)

c) Discuss the implementation of referential integrity in the above scenario. (At least 200 words)

Task 4

Be ready for a written viva to demonstrate your knowledge with the different concepts used in preparing the assignment. Schedule for the written viva will be announced in the class and on Moodle/MEC mail. Marks for task 2 and task 3 will depend on the satisfactory pass for the demonstration in task 4.

Reference no: EM132350698

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8/2/2019 4:45:49 AM

Task 1 Proposal Submission • General overview of initial understanding to all the tasks. • General overview on the proposed solution of all the tasks. • Timeline and references .Include a list of suitable literature to complete the assignment using a Harvard Style Notation. 26-35 Mark Complete and accurate in all aspects 4-5 Mark Properly recommended the design of two relations 4-5 Mark Properly recommended constraints. 27-30 Mark Completely normalized all the relations with proper explanation. 6-7 Mark Properly discussed role of normalization.


8/2/2019 4:45:35 AM

Feedback: Detail feedback will be provided as follows: Submission Assignment work proposal: Detail feedback on the assignment work proposal will be provided. This feedback will help you to understand and reflect on your initial understanding of assignment tasks. Final Assignment Submission: Detail feedback on the assignment document will be provided. This feedback will help you to reflect on your work.


8/2/2019 4:45:00 AM

Guidelines Follow the guidelines mentioned below for your assignment. Submit a work proposal detailing aspects such as initial understanding of the given tasks, timelines to complete each task, literature sources for solving the tasks. Assignment should be typed and uploaded to Moodle and will undergo plagiarism detection test through Handwritten assignments will not be accepted. Assignment should have a Title Page. Title Page should contain the following information. Assignment Name Class Student name Student ID It should have Table of Contents Use page numbers Assignment should be typed in your own words using Times New Roman font size 12. Heading should be with Font Size 14, Bold, Underline Use Diagrams and Examples to explain your topic.

Write a Review

Database Management System Questions & Answers

  Explain and support the database schema

Explain and support the database schema with relevant arguments that support the rationale for the structure

  Should include a description of that actual activity

Action - at least one page in length, should include a description of that actual activity. Observation - at least one page in length, should include a description of all the information collected as well as any analysis.

  Show the names of the customers for whom we have invoices

Show the names of the customers for whom we have invoices.  Show the CUS_CODE of the customers for whom we DO NOT have invoices. Show the names of the customers for whom we DO NOT have invoices.

  How in order to perform a query on an access database

In order to perform a query on an access database, you must provide a list of

  How to make an xml file with markup tags

Create an XML file with markup tags and some sample data to represent a list of invoices. Include the XML tags for two invoices in the list. Also, assume the invoices are created from a database whose tables are shown in the following database re..

  Create data model given to you but in well-structured format

Recreate the data model given to you but in a "well-structured" format. Note: This essentially means adding foreign keys. Be sure to choose key names that make sense. Happy Crusie Lines.

  Explain what the penalties for violations are

Considering that some people seem willing to post just about any personal data on the Internet, how reasonable do you feel that the HIPAA rules for database.

  Create one table representing normalized design

Create one table representing normalized design (3NF) for the important objects and their attributes in a textbook catalogue and accounting office at a university book store

  What is the most common database query language

What is the most common database query language? What is the name for a column that uniquely identifies a record

  Identify two possible advantages of utilizing pl -sql

Extracting and interpreting data can be very valuable to an organization. Describe the importance of using sub queries in a database system.

  Explain knowledge discovery database and give its components

Explain the knowledge discovery database and give its components. What are the market drivers of big data,give its challenges and advantages.

  Write dml statements for each given query

Write DML statements for each query and post them as replies to your classmates. Do not use a query generator or graphical tool to write these.

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