Design the logic for application for company

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Reference no: EM1366584

a. Design the logic for an application for a company that wants a report containing a breakdown of payroll by department. Input includes each employee's last name, first name, department number, hourly salary, and number of hours worked. The output is a list of the seven departments in the company (numbered 1 through 7) and the total gross payroll (rate times hours) for each department.

b. Modify "a" so that the report lists department names as well as numbers. The department names are:
Dept. Num. Department Name
1 Personnel
2 Marketing
3 Manufacturing
4 Computer Services
5 Sales
6 Accounting
7 Shipping

c. Modify the report created in exercise "b" so that it prints a line of information for each employee before printing the department summary at the end of the report. Each detail line must contain the employee's name, department number, department name, hourly wage, hours worked, gross pay, and withholding tax.
Withholding taxes are based on the following percentages of gross pay:
Weekly Gross Pay ($) Withholding (%)
0.00 - 200.00 10
200.01 - 350.00 14
350.01 - 500.00 18
500.01 - up 22"

Reference no: EM1366584

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