Design the drainage system for the particular rainfall

Assignment Help Civil Engineering
Reference no: EM131600606

HYDRAULICS - Urban Drainage Design Exercise


Design the drainage system (cross-section of channels) for the particular rainfall and given catchment area.

Design of cross section should be safe for the return period of 25 years or more.


On successful completion of the problem students should be able to cover all the module outcomes that
are mentioned in the module descriptor.


All students are required to submit individual report and make calculations for the collected data.

The report should cover the following tasks:

1. Give the detailed introduction, necessity of urban drainage system and uses.

2. Calculate the peak run off rate (m3/s) for the given precipitation (rainfall) and given catchment area by Rational method or any other suitable method.

3. For the peak run off, design the section of the canal (trapezoidal, triangular, circular or rectangular).

4. Design of the cross-section should be most-economical.

5. Slope of the channel should be for appropriate velocity that does not create erosion.

Report Format

Number of pages: Maximum 10 pages including references list and the appendixes (if any).

Line spacing: Generally use 1.5 x line spacing.

Start with the title page (including your name) or student number as requested.

It is preferable to place figures within the text rather than group them at the end of the report.

Give a sequential number to all figures (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3, etc.)

Add a brief, informative caption to the figures.

Report Sections

The Report should contain the following sections:



Methods of designing (steps)


Results & Discussion

Conclusions and Recommendations



Successful Report

Report Component and

Characteristics of Success Characteristics of Weakness

General Appearance of the report (Format, Title Page, etc.)

General Appearances such as border line margins, font size & type etc.

All the mentioned titles not more not less.

Standard cover page

Same font size & type throughout the report.

Include all the mentioned headings (titles) in the report.

Omits proper mentioned headings.

Different font size & type.

SUMMARY (Maximum Half Page)

Consists of not more than

State the objectives.

Critically describes the methods and materials employed, especially if they are novel or unfamiliar.

Explain cocisely important results and conclusions.

Summarizes the entire study within word limits.

Employs concise statements.

Contains specific information.

Omits critical findings.

Refers reader to figures or tables in the report.

Relies on vague language

INTRODUCTION (Maximum half pages)

Summarize general introduction of the topic.

Explain in detail

Explain the necessity of the UDD.

Describe uses of urban drainage system with examples and detailed description.

Include some case studies.

Usually consists of 0.5 -1.5 pages.

Gives clear understanding about the topic.

Clearly explains the objectives.

Fails to clearly define the problem and the relevance of the study.

Methods of designing (steps)

Provides as equential steps ofdesigning the drainage system.

• Clearly understand the concepts and methods of designing.

• Gives full description about all the parameters/coefficients selected.

• Critically analyses the designing.

• Identifies all the methods employed

• Provides detailed description and importance with important steps.

• Provides more detail if the method is novel or unfamiliar.

Fails to use the conceptsand importantmethods employed.

Fails to use proper values of coefficients.


• Make calculations with all necessary steps.

• Properly does the work with Omit steps.  

• Give the derivation of proper steps.

Interpret the results in light of what you expected based on published information.

Identifies the significant sources of error and assesses the reliability of your results.

• Comments on any abnormalities in the procedure that might affect results.

• Identifies and explains any unusual or surprising results.

• Presents all analytical results.

• Compares your results with published results, focusing on the same relationships.

• Summarizes the degree to which the experiment achieved its goals.

• States results in clear language and in past tense.

The conclusions exaggerate what the results would support.

Conclusions and Recommendations (Maximum half page)

• Lists the conclusions reached as a result of this study.

• Restates any limitations, assumptions or violations of assumptions that might qualify the conclusions.

• List conclusions and recommendations in order of importance.

• Links conclusions and recommendations to the information in previous sections of this report.

• Cautions the reader about limitations and uncertainties Offers a conclusion or recommendation that has no basis in the results of the experiment.


• Provide at least 10 references.

• Write the references according to the Harvard referencing system.

• Cite references inside the report.

• Different sources such as journals, books, proceedings, etc.

• Citation in text and references list as well

• Following Harvard References Format

• Minimum 10 references Citation from one source


Provides detailed information

The report is logical and Fails to refer to appendices (raw data, calculations, etc) readable without having to in the text of the report.

that might interest only a few refer to the appendices. Fails to clearly label and readers, especially those who

The report identifies what identify appendix material must verify t h e validity of material appears in your designing & results. Appendices.

General Hints

• Check all table and figures for accuracy and completeness.

• Check all equations and units of measure.

• Make sure conclusions and recommendations appear in order of importance.

• Avoid strings of long sentences.

• Make sure adjectives and adverbs relate closely to what the data actually show.

Reference no: EM131600606

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8/14/2017 3:50:06 AM

dear sir i wont to make for me assignment and all information on the fill upload and i wont the similarity less than 15 Report Component and Specifications Characteristics of Success Characteristics of Weakness General Appearance of the report (Format, Title Page, etc.) [10 Marks] • General Appearances such as border line margins, font size & type etc. • All the mentioned titles not more not less. • Standard cover page • Same font size & type throughout the report. • Include all the mentioned headings (titles) in the report. Omits proper mentioned headings. Different font size & type. SUMMARY (Maximum Half Page) [10 Marks] • Consists of not more than 150250 words. • State the objectives. • Critically describes the methods and materials employed, especially if they are novel or unfamiliar.


8/14/2017 3:49:10 AM

GUIDELINES: Follow the guidelines mentioned below during writing your report: • The report should have a Title Page. Title Page should contain the following information. • College name and logo • Title • Module name and Code • Student name • Student ID • Use page numbers • Use your own words on writing, Times New Roman font size 12 • Heading should be with Font Size 12, Bold • Copy and paste from the Internet sources is strictly not acceptable and will be treated as a plagiarism and will be dealt with as per polices given below. Rules & Regulations . If any content or diagram of the report body is found to be copied from the other students then marks will be deducted from both reports. The purpose of the report is to do some research work so you can consult books in Library or use internet or computer magazines or any other source.


8/14/2017 3:48:45 AM

• Adequate awareness and evidence referenced • Good source of references Student ID: Student Name: No Task Bad/ poor Average Good Excellent Marks 1 Report structure include abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusions, references, appendix (if any) 10 2 Summary 10 3 Introduction 10 4 Methods of designing (steps) 10 5 Calculations 20 6 Results & Discussion 20 7 Conclusions & recommendations 10 8 References 10 Total Marks 100 Plagiarism Late Submission Final Marks


8/14/2017 3:48:33 AM

No evidence - poor understanding of class notes • Writing quality and flow are bad • Arguments not clear • No evidence -too reliant on class notes • Superficial use evidence • Insufficient evaluation • Some good but incomplete references • Fulfill all requirements • Good evaluation and synthesis • Relevant and 6 • Poor contents and no references and poorly referenced


8/14/2017 3:48:00 AM

Task Very weak Weak Good Excellent 1 • Very weak understanding and exposition of relevant issues • A few relevant points but superficial • Weak understanding • Incomplete contents • Some awareness but also confusing • Attempts but with errors and omissions • Shows awareness but limited • Insufficient • Clear awareness and understanding • Good writing • Cover all relevant areas To (confusion) •

Write a Review

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