Design the database using the given fields and criteria

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131132159

Create an Android app that will be used to enter student grades for college courses.

Develop three screens as follows:

• The first screen should allow the entry of a student id, first name, last name, class id, and class name.

• The second screen should allow the entry of a grade for each student and class that they took. The grade entry will be a number which can range from 0 - 100.

• The third screen should show the student name and overall letter grade for the semester based on the classes that they took. Note: Use the grade conversion table below:

Points              Grade

100-90                 A

80-89                   B

70-88                   C

60-69                   D

Below 60              F

Use the sample students and grades below:

Student ID      Student Name       Class ID       Class Name       Grade

1                       Sally Smith           100            Biology               70

1                       Sally Smith           110            Gym                   90

2                       Mark Front           120             English               40

2                       Mark Front           110             Gym                   10

3                       Rick Hart              130            Science                85

3                       Rick Hart              100            Biology                90

3                       ick Hart                110            Gym                    45

4                       Justin Jones         140            Computers           45

4                       Justin Jones         120            English                 70

Design the database using the following fields and criteria:

StudentID VARCHAR(8),

FirstName varchar(20),

Lastname varchar(20),

ClassID varchar(20),

Grade Integer(3),

Lettergrade Varchar(2)

Reference no: EM131132159

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