Design the appropriate er-schema diagram

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM132087288

Oracle International is offering a set of certified programs in different tracks (Fundamentals, Design, Development, Administration, Application, ... etc).

Each program is described by a unique code and a unique title. Each program is structured as a set of core courses and a set of elective courses.

A course may be offered through several programs but not necessarily with the same nature (a course can be core for some programs but elective for others).

Each course is described by a code number (unique) title, description, and number of credit hours. It is required to keep track of the total required credit hours and total elective credits hours for each program. A student may enroll in more than one program and take several courses of these programs.

A student is considered registered in a program if he/she is already enrolled in at least one the courses of that program.

A student is described by a unique Id, name, address, birth date, and Email address. It is required to keep track of the grade of each student in each course of each program.

Design the appropriate ER-schema diagram for the given data requirements Specify all key attributes and all structural constraints.

Give also the corresponding relational schema.

Specify all integrity constraints for each defined relation.

ER Schema Diagram

Relational Schema Diagram

How would be the ER and the relational schemas for the same data requirements but with the constraint: each course is offered by only one program? You can show on the changes in both the ER and Relational Schemas.

Reference no: EM132087288

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