Reference no: EM131871055
Internal assessment project
Clarifications follow each assessment criterion, with further detail of what is expected for each objective of the criterion. Indications of the scope and size of the sections of each project can be found in the clarifications.
Task 1. Describe an appropriate problem, which leads to a design opportunity
Topic - Innovation and design
1. Are you following the documentation layout as directed by your teacher? A4, Landscape, narrow margin, 12 font size, footer
2. Did you brainstorm on possible factors leading to a specific problem area?
3. Did you describe and analyze the design situation and the problem that you noticed (Constructive Discontent)? Explain:
a) What is the situation?
b) Why does this cause a problem?
c) When does this cause a problem? E.g. while standing or sitting.
d) Who does the problem affect?
e) Where will the solution be used? E.g which place, indoor, outdoor.
4. Did you include photos, which support your problem?
5. Did you identify the intended market user group and explained why the project is worthy of investigation?
6. Did you include a questionnaire/interview of target user which will help you identify a certain need?
7. Did you analyze the results of the questionnaire?
8. Did you include any relevant interview, extracts from magazines, news articles supporting your problem identified?
9. Did you include a discussion and images of the user trial showing images specific to the design problem which might include ergonomic factors, percentiles, material or functional issues?
10. Did you include your self-experience of the situation?
11. Did you list down the identified need for the situation in bullet points?
Task 2. Explains the Key findings from relevant market and user research -
Topic - Human factors and ergonomics
1. Did you experience the situation yourself, recording the problems faced by the user. If not possible by self, did you interview a person who has faced the situation or is an expert in the problem area.
2. Did you consider Aesthetics aspects of your solution?
Topic - Resource management and sustainable production
3. Did you consider human factors?
Anthropometrics of your user, Ergonomics - what factors will decide for human comfort - weight, function, interaction with the user; Psychological factor - touch, taste, hear, see, smell; Physiological features - physical limitations of human body.
4. Did you consider other factors?
Materials used to make the product; manufacturing techniques.
Topic - Raw materials to final production
5. Did you analyze the already existing solution to the problem; competing or similar products in terms of (form, function, aesthetics, cost, material, manufacturing technique, safety and environmental issues, and human factors)?
6. Did you consider the environmental factors? Green design principles?
7. Did you consider safety aspects?
Topic - Innovation an design
8. Did you record evidence for making any conclusion?
9. Do you have relevant quantitative and qualitative data collected?
Topic - Classic design
10. Did you use a range of techniques for data collection - PRIMARY AND SECONDARY? (Use ICT tools MS Excel, bar graphs, pie chart etc.)
Self-observation, user opinion, interview, questionnaire, survey, expert appraisal, literature search, online search, photographs, video/sound recording, and experimentation?
11. Have you cited all secondary sources?
12. Did you include all the extra supporting facts/evidence in the appendix at the end?
Task 3. Develop a detailed design brief which identifies the relevant parameters of the problem
Topic - Innovation and design
1. Did you mention the expected outcome and broad requirements determined from the market and user research?
2. Did you mention the goal, user, context and constrains (limitations)?
3. Did you mention how are you going to solve this problem in broad sense?
Task 4. Develops a marketing specification, which justifies the requirements -
Topic - Innovation and design
1. Did you mention the target market?
Well-defined segment of consumers that a company plans to target with its products, services and marketing activities - end user.
Topic - Innovation and Markets
2. Did you mention the target audience?
A group that has significant potential to respond positively to a brand message - people that inspires/affects sales. What are the user's characteristics?
3. Did you conduct market analysis?
A summary is required of the important information gathered about potential users and the market. An appraisal of economic viability of the proposed design from a market perspective is important taking into account fixed and variable costs and pricing.
4. Did you clearly identify User need?
Specify the essential requirements that the product must satisfy in relation to market and user need.
5. Did you consider competing designs to establish market need?
Thorough analysis of competing designs is required to establish the market need.
6. Did you mention the tentative cost of your product?
7. Did you check all points mentioned in this section have been developed from the design brief derived from your research?
Task 5. Develops a design specification, which justifies the requirements -
Topics - Human factors and ergonomics, Resource management and sustainable production and Raw materials to final production
1. Did you list down all the below mentioned constraints specifically, which are feasible and can be measured for comparing and testing design ideas?
- aesthetic requirements
- cost constraints
- customer requirements
- environmental requirements
- size constraints
- safety considerations
- performance requirements and constraints
- materials requirements
- manufacturing requirements.
Did you check all points mentioned in this section have been developed from the design brief derived from your research?
Task 1. Develops ideas to meet appropriate specifications which explore solutions to the problem -
1. Are you following the documentation layout as directed by your teacher?
2. Did you develop a range of original ideas - quick sketch (6 minimum) that are different from each other, innovative and original? Ideas must be colored with annotation and brief explanation.
3. Did you select ideas to incrementally improve (4 minimum) to meet the specifications? Present them in detail using appropriate drawing techniques, well colored with outline, annotation and explanation. At this stage undertake additional research required to inform development of ideas.
4. Did you annotate and explain each idea covering the key features and design specifications?
5. Did you take peer feedback if all ideas are clear and easy to understand by others? Present the peer feedback conclusion with evidence.
6. Did you use appropriate techniques to communicate your ideas?
Freehand drawing, Isometric, Orthographic, mix media, CAD, pictorial drawing, cross-sectional view, exploded drawing, perspective drawing, assembly drawing, tests, experiments.
7. Did you color and shade all your sketches?
8. Did you make sure all your sketches are scanned well and clearly visible, well presented in your document?
Task 2. Uses concept modelling to guide design development -
1. Did you use concept modelling (physical prototype, 3D models, CAD model) to test the validity of your idea against before refining it for detail development, presented with evidence? You may test the validity of your idea using concept modelling against the following requirements: Shape, stability, functionality, ability to be manufactured in terms of available resources, ability to solve user's need etc. Take opinion from peers, an expert and user to validate.
2. Did you list down the clear measurable feedback, which is used to develop the design further?
Task 3. Justify the most appropriate idea for detailed development -
1. Did you evaluate your ideas and models against design specifications to identify the most feasible solution?
2. Did you present conclusion from testing to validate the chosen idea? Show evidence from personal opinion, feedback from peers, user and expert.
3. Did you modify final design based on the outcome of concept modelling and feedback from peers, user and expert?
4. Have you shown the final idea, sketched in isometric, colored and well presented with annotation and explanation?
Task 1. Justify the choice of appropriate materials and components for a prototype -
1. Did you identify materials and components according to the requirement of the prototype (include images of material corresponding to the part of the product).
Material examples: MDF, fiber board, acrylic, glass, canvas, synthetic leather, laminated veneer, composites, textiles etc...
Components example: frames, channels, hinges, nut, bolts, screws, belts, tubes, gears, ball bearings etc...
2. Did you give valid reason for the choice of materials including cost, supply, physical and mechanical properties, functional aspect, manufacturing aspect, environmental requirement, user's need etc...
3. You may present it in the form of a table, including columns: Name of the part, component/material, justification for selection (remember to include images wherever necessary)
Task 2. Justify the choice of appropriate manufacturing techniques for prototype production -
1. Did you identify and select the manufacturing techniques ( joining, wasting, forming, CAM additive or subtractive) according to the requirements of the prototype - consider measurement, cutting, joining, finishing and so on (include images of tools/machines/equipment to be used)
2. Did you give valid reason for the choice of each manufacturing technique selected?
3. Selection can be justified through many aspects including economic viability (cost), supply, material choice, working properties of the material, functional requirements, environmental requirement, scale of production etc.
Task 3. Develops an accurate and detailed design proposal -
1. Did you develop the final idea into utmost detailing - 3D Isometric sketch, well colored and explained with annotation - including all sizes, construction, material, components, assembly and manufacturing details.
2. Did you use appropriate techniques and methods to finalize the details of the design (CAD, card model, close up drawing, cut section, exploded view etc.) wherever necessary to show the detailing.
3. Did you produce an orthographic drawing showing the front, side and plan view with dimensions in millimeters?
4. Did you take feedback from a third party (user/client/expert) to check if they are able to interpret your design proposal correctly?
Task 4. Produces a detailed plan for the manufacture of the prototype -
1. Did you make an appropriate production plan with techniques and quality control check - providing sufficient details to allow product to be made by a third party. Include Flow diagrams, Tables.
2. Did you include the time plan for the manufacture of the prototype? You may include Gantt chart
3. Did you plan and present the risk assessment for manufacturing process? Include: Hazard identified, risk possible, risk level, people affected and control measures.
4. Did you prepare a cutting list listing for all parts - include material required, size, quantity, specifications.
5. Is your final product manufactured as per the plan, along with the evidence of manufacture?
6. Did you present you final model using a high quality photograph with brief explanation of the product.
Task 1. Evaluates the success of the solution against the marketing specifications -
1. Did you evaluate the product against the marketing specifications in Criterion A?
- Target market Target audience Market analysis User need Competition
2. Measure possible strength and weakness against each parameter of marketing specifications. And show evidence of authentic testing in the form of annotated pictures.
Task 2. Evaluates the success of the solution against the design specifications -
1. Did you evaluate the product against the design specifications in Criterion A?
- Cost constraints Environmental requirements Size constraints Safety considerations
- Performance requirements and constraints Materials requirements Manufacturing requirements
2. Measure possible strength and weakness against each parameter of design specifications. And show evidence of authentic testing in the form of annotated pictures.
3. Tests may include following parameters: performance (does it fulfil the purpose), reliability, ease of use, health and safety check (is the product fail safe), aesthetics (is it aesthetically pleasing), materials (do the materials suit the purpose; are they used according to their properties,) ergonomics (ease and comfort of use, appropriate shape and size for the intended user), quality (durability and reliability), construction (is it well made and designed to suit the methods of production), Cost/Economics (the cost of material and manufacture must make the product affordable by the user group), wider impact (consequences of product design on individual, society and environment), user characteristics (special capabilities, requirements and limitations of the people who use the product).
4. Types of testing may include: User trial, through observation, questionnaire, interview (to check for usability), field/performance test (to check for function and performance test), expert appraisal (consumer testing, feasibility check), and literature search.
Task 3. Explains how the solution could be improved -
1. Suggest improvements to address weakness identified through evaluation against marketing and design specifications.
2. Explain how you could improve the product - presented in the form of revised specifications, annotated photographs and drawings or CAD.
3. If the finished product does not fulfil the design and marketing specifications, suggest modifications that are valid and feasible to bring the product up to the specifications.
Task 1. Justify the choice of materials and components appropriate for commercial production -
1. Did you modify the prototype in order to make it suitable for commercial production with materials and components chosen, which are compatible with the manufacturing process and design specification.
2. Did you identify and select materials and components according to the requirements of making the product commercially viable (sellable).
3. Did you give valid reasons for their choice need to be provided?
4. Selection can be justified through many aspects including cost, supply, physical and mechanical properties, and so on.
Task 2. Justify the choice of manufacturing techniques appropriate for commercial production -
1. Did you identify the scale of production? Did you explain the choice of manufacturing techniques that are appropriate to be effective at the chosen scale of production?
2. Did you identify manufacturing techniques according to the requirements of making the product commercially viable?
3. Did you give valid reasons for their choice need to be provided?
4. Selection can be justified through many aspects including cost, supply, material choice, availability, working properties of the materials, and so on.
Task 3. Explains design modifications to the solution required for commercial manufacture -
1. Did you modify your design in order to be compatible with the manufacturing techniques for commercial production and the design specification?
2. Did you present the revised product with improvements using annotated drawings/ photographs, supporting images or CAD?
3. Did you present a list of revised marketing and design specifications to meet the requirements of commercial production?
Task 1. Justify an appropriate target sales price -
1. Did you specify the target sales price? Did you justify the target sales price based on competing or similar products, market need and break-even point? Ensure to provide evidence for your justification.
2. Did you calculate the cost of making the prototype? Did you compare the cost of existing products against the cost of making a prototype and adjust costs to suit proposed scale of manufacture.
Task 2. Discuss appropriate promotional strategies for the solution -
1. Did you discuss appropriate promotional strategies in relation to the suggested initial production run and the nature of the target market?
2. Did you cover the following promotional strategies - advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, internet marketing, sponsorship etc.?
3. Did you provide visuals, written explanation to explain the promotional strategies?
Topics -
Topic 1 - Human factors and ergonomics
Topic 2 - Resource management and sustainable production
Topic 3 - Modelling
Topic 4 - Raw materials to final production
Topic 5 - Innovation and design
Topic 6 - Classic design
Topic 7 - User-centered design
Topic 8 - Sustainability
Topic 9 - Innovation and Markets
Topic 10 - Commercial production
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