Reference no: EM133227057
Diploma in Education and Training
Assignment 1:
This assignment will cover a range of topics around planning and preparing for the actual teaching and assessment sessions with your learners. The assignment is broken down into different tasks, that will help your assessor to sign off various assessment criteria for different units holistically - thus saving you a lot of time and resulting in a quicker completion of your course.
Task 1
You are required to write an essay describing and evaluating your own area of specialism. The essay must be broken down into the following sections:
Question 1. Explain key aims of education and training in own specialist area
Question 2. Describe the aims and structure of key qualifications and learning programmes in own specialist area
Question 3. Evaluate a learning programme taking account of the quality arrangements of your organisation. Based on the outcomes of your evaluation, identify the areas for improvement in the learning programme
Question 4. Analyse the quality improvement and quality assurance arrangements of your organisation
Task 2
You are required to write an essay on how you plan your teaching, learning and assessment effectively. The essay must be broken down into the following sections:
1. Explain how your approach to planning and preparation for the delivery of a learning programme in own specialist area:
i. takes account of key curriculum issues, including the role of new and emerging technologies
ii. takes account of theories, principles and models of learning, communication and assessment to meet inclusive needs of your learners
iii. meets the inclusive needs of your learners
iv. enables you to meet the aims of the programme
Task 3
You are required to write an essay to demonstrate understanding of some of the practical aspects of teaching, learning and assessment. The essay must be broken down into the following sections:
2. Analyse ways in which you demonstrate minimum core elements in planning, delivering and assessing inclusive teaching and learning
3. Devise a scheme of work taking account of: internal and external requirements; the needs of learners; and the delivery model
4. Design teaching and learning plans which take account of: the individual goals; needs and learning preferences of all learners; and curriculum requirements
5. Record learners' individual learning goals
6. Demonstrate the use of assessment data in: monitoring learners' achievement; attainment and progress; setting learners' targets; planning subsequent sessions; and recording the outcomes of assessment
Task 4
You are required to write an essay on how you use reflective practice to improve your knowledge and skills in order to effectively fulfil your role. The essay must be broken down into the following sections:
1. Analyse theories and models of reflection and evaluation
2. Explain ways in which theories and models of reflection and evaluation can be applied to reviewing own practice
3. Use theories and models of reflection to evaluate the effectiveness of own practice in planning, delivering and assessing inclusive teaching and learning
4. Review the effectiveness of own knowledge and skills in a specialist area.
5. Evaluate the effectiveness of use of creative and innovative approaches in own area of specialism
6. Identify own strengths and areas for improvement in relation to practice in a specialist area, specifying opportunities to improve and update own knowledge and skills