Reference no: EM133113626
Civil modelling
The primary aim of this module is to enable the students to make realistic models of what they design during the workshop, and analyse the design based on the site, and client's needs. The skill will enable the students to interact with other professionals (e.g., mechanical engineers, architects, civil engineers, etc.) in their future careers. It also enables them to present their ideas inter and among groups as well as to the clients. It is also a platform to practice drawing and improve their hand drawing skills. They will see the need to complete design projects and present them on time and within specification and budget which are the fundamentals of working in a professional environment.
Learning Outcome 1: Developing teamwork skills and assign responsibilities in a team.
Learning Outcome 2: To appreciate the resolution of design process as a fundamental phase of engineering projects.
Learning Outcome 3: To engage with the project principles, strategies and precedents.
Learning Outcome 4: To further develop students' skills in communication, design and graphic representations.
Learning Outcome 5: To engage with prototyping as a means for developing and communicating ideas in the built environment practice.
Learning Outcome 6: To understand the importance of time and budget management in engineering projects.
Teaching Strategies and Approaches to Learning
Site analysis
Analysis is not just the act of noting what you found - that is documenting or collating. Analysis is about interpreting what you found and explaining how / why it is relevant to the brief, to the design or to the site itself.
• Combine individual analysis into one. Document the initial individual drafts also.
• Showing the analysis and the reasons affect the design
• Using analysis, diagrams, and sketches to show the analysis
• Citation for sources
• North sign if applicable
Site plan (scale: 1/500)
For the site plan, students should consider their design ideas in relation to the site analysis.
• Showing the building footprint and the landscape from the top view
• Titleblock: scale, drawing name, drawing number, project's name
• North sign
Plan(s) with scale: 1/100)
• Define thicknesses of walls, openings, terraces, and any other area and element in the design
• Using furniture or labelling the space
• Using annotation to describe the plan
• Using dimension to show the size of each part
• The plan must have clear circulation
• Scalebar
• Titleblock: scale, drawing name, drawing number, project's name
• North sign
Section (scale: 1/100)
• Define thicknesses of walls, openings
• Using furniture or labelling the space
• Using annotation to describe the section, material, space, etc.
• Using dimension to show the height
• Scalebar
• Titleblock: scale, drawing name, drawing number, project's name
Precedents images to show the overall idea (min. 2)
• Minimum 2 images
• Caption: Write under each image the reason to choose the image and what are the main features (optional)
• Citation for resources
One sketch of the design (perspective)- can be manual or computer model
• Use of different lines and thicknesses to provide a higher quality and use of hatches and shading
• Showing materials
A list of references should be provided at the end of the report.
The Model process included in report
Include images of the model (min 10 images): try to take photos from different angles of the model. Put caption for all images to explain the material, angle, view to the building and from the building, or any other information that is helpful to show the ideas. The requirements:
• Image of the model making process
• Images of the complete model (finish look)
• Images of the interior
• Images of the details
For the file, please pay attention to the following points:
• Background for the image
• Different angles for the images
• Eye-level and bird view images
• Light effect on the model
Physical model
• The size of the base must be not exceed 610mm x 540mm. The height must be less than 540mm.
• The scale is 1/50 (if the scale is less than this, it would be difficult to learn about thicknesses, and the detailing of the structure)
• The exterior part of the model is defined by the walls, the exterior look of the building, site, and entrances. The Interior part in detail is not mandatory. However, students should show the main walls of the interior. If they build the interior in detail, it will reflect positively on their mark. However, if they do not build a detailed interior, they will not lose marks.
• A label on the base including this information: North sign, scale bar sign, name, Academic lead: Paolo Apostolides, Tutor: first-name & last-name
• Base with topographic line
• Open space in the site
• Seating areas, trees, figures, shaded structure, balustrades, or any detailing
• Access
On presentation day, students will present their design ideas, site analysis, and physical model. There should be a presentation file to show the process of site analysis, design and model making. The below steps can be considered on presentation day:
• Introduce team, their project, and their client
• Talk about the process of design from site analysis to the final plan and section.
• Talk about the process of model making from the start to the end
• Talk about the materials and the way they use them in the model
• The physical model must be brought on presentation day
Attachment:- Civil modelling.rar