Design of the linguistic landscape of your chosen setting

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Reference no: EM132287283 , Length: word count:10000

Assessment Task 1: Redesigning linguistic landscapes

Your task for Assessment 1 is to write a project brief that includes a set of recommendations for redesigning the linguistic landscape (visual, linguistic, aural and oral). You will need to think about the existing language use in this setting, how existing language uses shape the existing linguistic landscape and the changes needed to redesign the linguistic landscape to achieve a specific objective (e.g. to increase plurilingual behaviours) in this setting.


1. Visit your chosen locale.

2. Explore the locale. Take pictures with the approval of the business owners.

3. Keep a diary entry about how you visualise your locale.

4. Supplement your observations with commentary from the literature in the field to help you draw connections between the locale and the literature. Start with the subject reading list, and expand your readings from there.

5. Think about the primary purpose of the locale, and its clientele.

6. Think about how power comes into play into this landscape.

7. Think about how temporality, activities and people affect this locale.

8. Think about the multilingual vs multicultural nature of this locale.

This pre-task is for your planning purposes. You do not need to submit all the evidence of this activity in your assessment.


The project brief will have these parts.

1. A clear statement of the purpose of the redesign of the linguistic landscape of your chosen setting.

2. A clear description of the historical and present day context of the setting. In this section, compare your setting with similar settings in the literature (e.g. research on the language of shops/school contexts/communities that have a similar purpose or evoke a similar sense of place). Use one or two images from your visits to support your claims. These should be labelled Figure 1, Figure 2 with an appropriate caption.

3. A clear description of current research (current issues in linguistic landscapes that inform your understanding of language use in this type of locale).

4. Five KEY recommendations for change to embrace diversity, multiculturalism and multilingualism in your research site. Your recommendations should be based on your analysis of the research site and relevant literature in the field. Each recommendation should be supported by a detailed explanation (2-3 paragraphs in length)

5. The references that you have cited (following APA 6th format).

Word Count: 6000 words

Assessment Task 2: Applying your knowledge to a school or other institutional context

Reflect on a school or institutional context that you are or have been a part of. Write an essay or report that:

1. Describes an educational setting and its language practices.

2. Discusses the types of language policies discussed in the research literature and consider how such policies help to promote/inhibit multilingualism.

3. Identifies the range of formal and informal language policies at your chosen education setting based on the criteria identified in (2) above.

4. Consider how school/institutional formal and informal (defacto) language policies might usefully change to further embrace multilingualism and diversity, and empower individuals to speak and write in particular ways. In your reflection, consider language as encompassing the written landscape of the classroom/school/institution, the activities that individuals engage in, and the talk that occurs in and out of the classroom context, and the place as a whole. Provide a rationale for your proposed initiatives and support these with evidence from the research literature.

(4000 words)


Reference no: EM132287283

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4/18/2019 3:36:04 AM

Policy initiatives The ideas and initiatives are and their well-suited for this context. rationales The ideas are well- developed and well-argued. These initiatives and their rationales are supported by pertinent literature. The author has taken a critical stance fills a gap in the existing literature. 10 marks 10-8 marks


4/18/2019 3:35:49 AM

10 marks 10-8 marks Language policies at the selected research site The varied official and defacto language policies and practices of the research site are described in full detail. Explicit connections are made between the research literature and the institution’s language policies with examples to illustrate. The text is very well-written and the claims well-substantiated. Referencing is accurate and precise.


4/18/2019 3:35:43 AM

Criteria Strongly meets or exceeds requirements Introduction Introduction provides a clear detailed description of the purpose and scope of the work and presents a succinct overview of the research site and its importance for this research project. It is very well written. 10 marks 10-8 marks Identification of existing formal and informal language policies The full range of language policies are explained and documented with examples to illustrate each policy. Policies are described with relevance to current and relevant research literature. The text is very well-written and the claims substantiated. Referencing is accurate and precise.


4/18/2019 3:35:36 AM

20 marks 20-16 marks Key Five key recommendations, Recommendatio each with a rationale. These ns are very well written. The claims are well-supported and relate back to the paper as a whole. The argument is clearly articulated and very convincing. The company that you researched would be appreciate the high- standard of your recommendations. 10 marks 10-8 marks Reference Exemplar APA6 Formatting


4/18/2019 3:35:29 AM

Setting An excellent description of the historical and present day context of the setting. Connections are made between this setting and other similar places in the research literature. When you read this description you can imagine yourself in this setting. Images provide strong evidence for the main points that are being made. 10 marks 10-8 marks Critical Literature Review of the Linguistic Landscape literature that aligns with your positioning. A detailed analysis of the pertinent literature. The literature review connects well with the chosen purpose and the setting. All claims are well-supported and convincing with appropriate in-text references. You might read something similar to this in a good research article.


4/18/2019 3:35:18 AM

Criteria Strongly meets or exceeds requirements Introduction: Statement of Purpose The statement of purpose is a short concise well-written statement. Any person who reads this will be highly motivated to read more and will have a clear understanding of what this redesign will be about without being immersed in too much detail.


4/18/2019 3:35:08 AM

See below for detailed description. Please note: Your assignment must show a critical understanding of the research literature and be presented in well-written academic English. The assignment must show your thinking, and how you have developed your argument using evidence in the research literature to support your claims. You must consistently and accurately reference what you have read, both in the text and in the reference list, using APA6 formatting.

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