Design of client-server protocols

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131155846

You can learn a lot about the design of client-server protocols by reviewing the implementation of one. And you can develop an even greater understanding by extending or updating that implementation.

For this Assignment, you will modify an existing client-server protocol to implement the Internet's finger protocol. (included)

Modify the client and the server so that they implement the Internet's finger protocol. The response from the server does not need to reflect actual user data, but you must base the response on the name provided in the client's request.

Retain your implementation, as you will be using it again in Week 7.

Attachment:- Week_Project.rar

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This paper talks about the implementation of finger client/server protocol in which the server takes the some basic information from the client and display all the relation information about the client.

Reference no: EM131155846

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