Design of an Operating System Performance Evaluation

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM132402393

Assignment - Research Project Requirement

Description - Write a research and design paper (must not exceed 10 double-spaced pages including references) on a specific focus based on the topic listed below. On the first page of your document include the title, and author. Begin the body of your paper immediately following the title information. For the paper, you need to locate at least 5 references to published research papers. The references must be from published sources within the last ten years selected from an IEEE or ACM journal or conference proceedings - do not use trade journals!

Topic - The Design of an Operating System Performance Evaluation and Analysis: e.g Concurrency.

Guidelines -

Describe your focus on the given topic area that you will use as the target of the design and methodology you will develop to evaluate that OS topic area (a specific OS component, OS technology, or aspect of a modern operating system that is the target of the design of an evaluation and analysis).

Your work will describe the methods used to measure and analyze the target component, OS technology, or aspect of a modern operating system.

Address the significance of the topic as related to the field of computer science and industry.

Detail the evaluation design, evaluation methods, and analysis methods within the topic focus.

Discuss the future direction of the evaluation methods specific to the topic focus (Base this on the research that supports your thoughts on the topic.)

No abstract needed.

Do not use quotations, avoid quoting others. Instead explain in you own word.

You must write an essay (word processor document). Your paper should pay close attention to maintaining a consistent flow in form. The document must be well written and should be proofread for detail and accuracy. Use one inch margins, double spacing throughout the document and the font must be Times Roman typeface. Use citations to provide evidence of your analysis. Citations and references must be in APA format. Use 12-point font size for the body of the text.

Verified Expert

The following essay has been centred on the topic of "The Design of an Operating System Performance Evaluation and Analysis". The essay focused mainly on graphical user interface (GUI) design and analysis. The essay identified approaches for calculating and evaluating the desired element, device software or feature of a modern operating system based on GUI's core ideologies. In addition, evaluation of the topic and the implications for the future were also identified.

Reference no: EM132402393

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Design of an Operating System Performance Evaluation : Topic - The Design of an Operating System Performance Evaluation and Analysis: e.g Concurrency. Detail the evaluation design, evaluation methods
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