Design of a system using appropriate data structures

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM132303034 , Length: 2000 Words

Learning Outcomes

1a. To gather, critically analyse, manage and present in meaningful ways information and data

4a. To monitor, research and interpret the fast changing and global world of information technology in terms of hardware, networks, software, and tools

a. Evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of data structures and algorithms;

b. Demonstrate reasoning about efficiency of algorithms;

c. Assess and apply suitable recursive data structures and algorithms to IT systems and applications

Assessment Task:

The assessment is about the design of a system using appropriate data structures and algorithms.


You are required to design a library system for Kent Institute. Assume that there are:
• two campuses - Sydney and Melbourne
• 300 VET level students
• 400 Higher Education students
• 20 professional staff and 40 academic staff

You need to decide how many books, journals, DVDs or other media the library holds.

Then specify the range of operations which will be needed for the library system.

For each of these operations, discuss the most suitable sorting or searching method and why your chosen algorithm for each operation is the most appropriate.

A nearby University wants to use your system. They have:
• One campus
• 25000 undergraduate students
• 10000 postgraduate students
• 5000 research students
• 2000 professional staff
• 4000 academic staff

What changes, if any, would you make to your system for the University to be able to use it effectively and efficiently?

Tasks to be completed
Given the above information:

a) Decide the appropriate variables, keys and ranges to be used in the system. Justify.
b) The operations that library system should support.
c) Algorithms for the operations that your system should support. Also, justify the choice of algorithms.
d) Changes for the larger university, if any, to be made in the original system. Justify.

Attachment:- Data Structure and Algorithms.rar

Reference no: EM132303034

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5/10/2019 4:34:09 AM

can be efficiently and effectively searched and sorted. Discussion of changes, if any, to be made for the larger University system and why changes are or are not needed 4 How making systems scalable needs changes in the choice of variables and algorithms so that efficiency is not compromised


5/10/2019 4:34:02 AM

Marking Criteria Max Marks Lecturer Expectations Choice of variables, keys, ranges 2 The understanding of various data types and importance of choosing the right variables and ranges. Justification of variables, keys and ranges choices 2 Specification of library operations 4 Identifying operations that are required by the system to function properly. The choice of appropriate algorithm so that data


5/10/2019 4:33:57 AM

The assignment must be submitted online in Moodle. All materials MUST be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word format. Other formats (e.g., pdf or MAC file) may not be readable by markers. Please be aware that any assessments submitted in other formats will be considered LATE and will lose marks until it is presented in MS Word. No paper based or hardcopy submission will be accepted.

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