Design of a simple addressing solution

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM131805475


In your role as a Solutions Architect at Study Group, you are leading a team of several system administrators. Study Group is a medium sized organisation and is currently expanding its operations.

The company has acquired eight sites across Sydney to accommodate its various departments. You have been asked to design a network by utilizing private IP address. The network should span eight buildings with a router in each building to join the networks. It is assumed that each building will have its own single subnet. Company expects approximately 1600 workstations and wireless devices across all the sites with approximate numbers in each building as follows:

- English school 480 workstations
- Accounting school - 250 workstations
- Transport Office - 130 workstations
- Research Office - 67 workstations
- Sales Office - 40 workstations
- Information technology school - 550 workstations
- Head Office - 90 workstations
- Public wireless access for authorised Study Group's users up to 600 devices at any one time for entire eight sites.

TASK 1 - Write a 1000 words (+/- 10%) report explaining:

a. The detailed design of a simple addressing solution (with diagram(s) and step by step workout of the calculations) that leaves room for growth, is easy to administer and has the minimum wastage of available IP address space.

b. Explain what happens to your design if the number of hosts per network jumps to over 1500 in English, Accounting and Information technology schools.

TASK 2 - Currently the company policy does not allow the use of network analysers on the organisational network. You have recently had a team meeting where all the staff are of the view that the use of network analysers can bring more efficiency in troubleshooting processes.

Write an 800 words (+/- 10%) report for the board of directors proposing to allow the use of network analysers for diagnostic purposes in new proposed network architecture. Your report should include:

a. Brief explanation of protocol in the context of communication networks and the role of network analysers. Explanation should include example of a situation where network analysers can be used in the context of Task 1.

b. An analysis of currently available network analyser tools. The analysis should contain:

i. Benefits, associated costs, ease of usability

ii. Recommendation from you, as to what tool would you prefer to use and why.

Reference no: EM131805475

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1/9/2018 6:23:42 AM

2. The assessment should also include at least the following sections: 1. Executive Summary - this section should contain a brief summary about the contents of the report. This section should be a maximum of one A4 size page. 2. Main Body of the report - Use this section to answer all the questions in Part I and Part II. All tasks should be clearly identified with headings. 3. References - must be in APA style both in-text and at the end of the assessment document. 3. Use Calibri, or a similar font, in 11 or 12-point type. 4. All diagrams and images are to be embedded in the document. Diagrams and images that are supplied separately will not be marked. All text should be left-justified. 5. Each page must have a header or footer with your name and student number. 6. Page numbers must be shown in the footer of each page, except on the title page. Reports are marked and feedback attached using a MS Word based tool. Reports that are submitted in PDF format will be re-formatted to Word format in order to be marked. Allowances will not be made for any loss of information, diagrams or images as a result of the re-formatting.


1/9/2018 6:23:36 AM

Presentation (Communicate in a professional manner), Grammar & Referencing Up to 5 marks may be deducted for poor grammar, presentation, spelling and not following the proper APA 6th edition style of referencing. Presentation Your report MUST be presented in MS Word format. Your assessment must be submitted electronically and should: 1. Have a cover page including: 1. Assessment No & Assessment Title 2. Student Name, ID & Student Email


1/9/2018 6:23:27 AM

Task 2 You have fully and accurately identified and analysed the factors involved in choosing a protocol analyser in the context of the proposed network design. You have made an appropriate and logical recommendation, based on a comprehensive analysis of all the required factors You have accurately identified and explained the factors involved in choosing a protocol analyser in the context of the proposed network design You have made a logical recommendation for the choice of tool, and have provided explanations for this choice from your analysis. You have accurately identified and explained the factors involved in choosing a protocol analyser in the context of the proposed network design, though there are some minor omissions or errors. You have made a logical choice of tool, and provided some rationale for this choice which is linked to, or supported by, statements from your exploration of factors.


1/9/2018 6:22:55 AM

Marking criteria Question HD DI CR PS FL Task 1 Provides a complete, clear, and detailed, step-by-step description of IP addressing requirement analysis and design that fully and accurately fulfils the requirements. Diagram/s are appropriate and accurate. Identifies and analyses all critical points. Provides a detailed, step-by-step description of IP addressing requirement analysis and design that and accurately fulfils the requirements. Diagram/s are appropriate and accurate. Identifies and analyses most critical points. Provides a detailed description of IP addressing requirement analysis and design that accurately fulfils the requirements. There are some inaccuracies or omissions. Diagram/s are appropriate and mostly accurate, with some minor inaccuracies or omissions.


1/9/2018 6:22:39 AM

ls make sure all the requirements in the attached file below should be met - (The reports should be targeted towards your audience i.e. the board of directors who may not be technologically savvy. Therefore, the report should be easy to read and contain step by step overview of the design that includes calculations and assumptions. Additionally, the report contents should be logically, systematically and succinctly structured to create a cohesive and coherent analytical piece of work, using formal academic language and should adhere to grammatical conventions.) Rationale This assessment aims to assess the following learning objectives of this subject: • be able to analyse IP addressing requirements and design an addressing scheme; • be able to analyse the requirements of IP routing and choose appropriate routing methods; • be able to demonstrate how internetworking devices obtain their network configuration; • be able to explain how data flows through the internet; and • be able to ascertain and evaluate selection of applications and protocols for transferring data across the internet.

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