Design model for thermostat by using either uppal or matlab

Assignment Help MATLAB Programming
Reference no: EM131160527

The assignment should be included simulation and verification.

Could anyone in your staff/expert design a model for thermostat by using either UPPAl or MATLAB (it should be run properly), it's environment, and then simulate and verify the result please?


Modeling for House (room) Thermostat-Cyber physical system

Model a House Heating System(Thermal Model of a House):


1. Model initialization: The House Heating Model.

2. Model Components: Set Point, Thermostat.

3. Open the Thermostat subsystem: Including The Heater and house (environment) Subsystems.

4. Explain all codes or equations.

5. All steps should have comments.

6. References.

7. MATLAB or UPPAAL should be used.
Note/ This report is computer science-based.

As I mentioned before all steps should have commented with a little report to explain all included codes or equation and have references.

Reference no: EM131160527

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Write a Review

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