Design mealy fsm with the input a and output z

Assignment Help Theory of Computation
Reference no: EM1372217

Create a Mealy FSM with an input A and an output Z. If 10101 shows up on A, then in the same cycle 1 should show up on Z, else Z is 0. Do the entire FSM design following all steps: State diagram, state tables, all equations, and circuit. All unneeded states are don't-cares. Finally, you may only use D flip-flops for state (no other flip-flops/latches). Show all work for all stages for full credit.

USE Decoders for the logic in the combinational part of the circuit, only use a few gates to finish the logic. Use the minimum number and minimum size decoders necessary to answer the problem.

Reference no: EM1372217

Questions Cloud

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Design mealy fsm with the input a and output z : Design a Mealy FSM with the input A and an output Z. If 10101 shows up on A, then in same cycle 1 must show up on Z, else Z is 0.
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Find the marginal product of labor : The following table given below presents estimates of the maximum levels of output possible with various combination of two inputs.


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