Reference no: EM131394905
Can you write one to two page about the picture in the file and put the introduction, Thesis, body paragraph, with counclation? What do you think when you see the picture in the file? explain
You can choose one of two options, all papers should be 1-2 pages (meaning it ends on the 2nd page - PLEASE PRINT IT AND BRING IT TO CLASS - 12pt font, 1 inch margins, double spaced). Over the course of the semester you will write 3 of these. 1 out of the 3 should be visiting an art space in real life (if you need to, you can go to the Todd Madigan Gallery on campus) and looking at art in real life, and the other 2 should be from images in the textbook (Gateways to Art).
1. GO SEE ART IN REAL LIFE AND WRITE ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCE. Please describe the work you are responding to in detail (is it a painting? what does it look like? what drew you to it? What was it like seeing art in real life? would you do this again?)
Here are some options for that in Bakersfield:
- Bakersfield Museum of Art (Tues-sat 10am-4pm, 1930 R St, Bakersfield, CA 93301)
- Go to an art opening: this Friday Feb 4) there is a painting show opening at Metro Galleries (1604 19th St, Bakersfield, CA 93301) from 5-9pm, flyer is attached. This Saturday, Feb 4, there is a show opening at the Adobe Krow archives, in celebration of Black History Month. The reception is 1-2:30pm. The fun thing about art openings is they usually serve you free food and drinks. A flyer is attached for this too.
2. PICK AN IMAGE FROM THE BOOK, GATEWAYS TO ART VOL 2, AND RESPOND TO IT. Please note the page number and title of the artwork, so I can refer to it when reading your paper. This is just like the in class exercise I did with the Van Gogh painting of the bedroom. Look closely at the artwork and describe what you see and what you think the work is trying to convey. It is an exercise in paying attention and translating a visual language into a written one. What do you think the artist trying to tell us? Where does your eye go first? Why does it go there? What formal techniques is the artist employing? i.e. - is the artist using contrast? what types of shapes and lines are they using? is the image realistic or abstract? What type of art is it (sculpture, painting, commercial logo, etc)? Always always bring the conversation back to the work - does it make you feel sad to look at it? Why? what colors is the artist using? what types of lines? what exactly is the artist doing that is provoking this response in you, and do you think it was the artist's intention to make you ("the viewer") feel this way?
Attachment:- Question.jpg
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