Design for the business in netsim

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM131636756 , Length: word count:700

Network requirement analysis and plan

Purpose of the assessment

Main objectives of this assignment is to enable student to analyse a business case study, develop requirements, select networking devices for the given business case and plan a network design. After successful completion of this assignment, students should be able to:

a. Analyse and discuss the significance of internetworking for contemporary organisations.

b. Explain the role of internetworking to support business and technical goals through planning and design.

c. Develop architectural internetworking design for the business, information, technology, and application domains.

Assignment 1 Specification

Business case study: Choose one of the four business case studies provided in the appendix at page 5. You have to inform your instructor on the choice before start working on the assignment.


For a chosen business case, write a report on the following points:

a. Analyse and discuss the significance of internetworking for the chosen business case.

b. Develop hardware requirements for a network with device specifications including series, model and features.

c. Draw architectural internetworking design for the business in Netsim.

Write a report with the following contents

• Project Scope
• Challenges
• Project hardware requirements
- Name of the network device with manufacturer's name, series, model, features and ports
- Type of the cables
- Name of the server, PC with specification such as operating system, RAM, hard disk etc.
• Network Design in Netsim (You must not use packet tracer, or any other software!)
• Outcomes / benefits of the proposed design
• Limitations and conclusions.Appendix- a list of case studies (please choose one)

Business case study 11
Chock Children's Case study

Business case study 22
GITAM University case study

Business case study 33
Cisco Crownnetstart case study

Business case study 44
Cisco Sleepcity case study

Reference no: EM131636756

Questions Cloud

Discuss management issues that arise when businesses utilize : Discuss management issues that arise when businesses utilize the Internet as an information and communications tool.
Does the federal government currently exert more power : In your opinion, does the federal government or the states currently exert more power/ authority and why(give examples)?
Why do organizations offer employee benefits : Why do organizations offer employee benefits? What are your thoughts on healthcare rationing? Do you agree or disagree with the concept?
Describe the directed graph of adjacency matrix : Describe the directed graph whose adjacency matrix has all 1s in row 1 and column 1, and 0s elsewhere.
Design for the business in netsim : MN503 - Analyse and discuss the significance of internetworking for the business case - Draw architectural internetworking design for the business in Netsim.
The politics of american government : Does Representative Democracy give people a meaningful say in the politics of American Government(explain)?
Draw the associated directed graph : Let r be a binary relation defined on the set 50, ±1, ±2, ±4, ±166 by p y ? y = x2 . Draw the associated directed graph.
Why does the president have limited control : Why does the president have limited control over the Federal Reserve when compared to executive de-partments like the Department of Treasury?
The intention of the framers of our constitution : What are the dangers and inefficiencies when party unity and partisanship cause Congress to become deadlocked and unable to agree upon action?



9/11/2017 4:51:09 AM

Demonstration Logic is clear and easy to follow with strong arguments Consistency logical and convincing Mostly consistent logical and convincing Adequate cohesion and conviction Argument is confused and disjointed IEEE Reference style Clear styles with excellent source of references. Clear referencing style Generally good referencing style Sometimes clear referencing style Lacks consistency with many errors


9/11/2017 4:51:02 AM

Outcomes All elements are present and very well integrated. Components present with good cohesive Components present and mostly well integrated Most components present Proposal lacks structure. Limitations All elements are present and very well integrated. Components present with good cohesive Components present and mostly well integrated Most components present Proposal lacks structure. Conclusions All elements are present and very well integrated. Components present with good cohesive Components present and mostly well integrated Most components present Proposal lacks structure.


9/11/2017 4:50:55 AM

Project hardware requirements Demonstrated excellent ability to think critically and sourced reference material appropriately Demonstrated excellent ability to think critically but did not source reference material appropriately Demonstrate d ability to think critically and sourced reference material appropriately Demonstrated ability to think critically and did not source reference material appropriately Did not demonstrate ability to think critically and did not source reference material appropriately Network Design in Netsim Logic is clear and easy to follow with strong arguments Consistency logical and convincing Mostly consistent logical and convincing Adequate cohesion and conviction Argument is confused and disjointed


9/11/2017 4:50:46 AM

Marking Rubrics Grades Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Project scope Concise and specific to the project Topics are relevant and soundly analysed. Generally relevant and analysed. Some relevance and briefly presented. This is not relevant to the assignment topic. Challenges Concise and specific to the project Topics are relevant and soundly analysed. Generally relevant and analysed. Some relevance and briefly presented. This is not relevant to the assignment topic.


9/11/2017 4:50:33 AM

Marking criteria: Section to be included in the report Description of the section Marks Project scope Outline of the report ( in 3-4 sentences) 2 Challenges Write at least 3 appropriate challenges you might face during network setup. 3 Project hardware requirements - Name of the network device with manufacturer’s name, series, model, features and ports - Type of the cables - Name of the server, PC with specification such as operating system, RAM, hard disk etc. 10 2 2 Network Design in Netsim You must not use packet tracer. Screen capture of Netsim design. Write justification for the selected network design. 10 Outcomes Write at least 2 outcomes of the network 2 Limitations Write limitations of the hardware devices used in your design. 2 Conclusions Write a clear conclusion of the case study. 2 Demonstration Demonstrate to your instructor during Week-7 lab the detailed network design on Netsim, with justifications explained. 10 Reference style Follow IEEE reference style 5 Total 50

Write a Review

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