Design five different integrated marketing tactics

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131600927


9-10 APA page paper with 5 Designs

( 1. Press Release,

2. Email campaign,

3. Advertisement,

4. Scripted TV or Radio Commercial/Advertisement, and

5.Coupon/sweepstake or contest- See Part 1 for more details)

By now, you have sourced the right raw materials and secured the right channel partners. You've also set the launch date for your new product.

Although you have completed many marketing activities so far, you haven't even begun to spread the word about your product yet!

This assignment includes three parts:

Part 1: Design five (5) different integrated marketing tactics (including graphics and text/copy). The five tactics are as follows:

A press release

An email campaign

ONE of the following: magazine advertisement, direct mail postcard, full-page flyer, tri-fold sales brochure, or banner ad

ONE of the following: TV commercial (submit script), radio advertisement (submit script), or social media

ONE of the following: coupon, rebate, sweepstakes, free give-away, or contest

The primary goal of your campaign is to introduce your new offering to the target audience. The secondary goal is to compel consumers to try your offering.

Part 2: Using a minimum of 2 scholarly sources complete a 6-7 page paper (includes reference page and title) that discusses the following:

Explain your rationale for choosing your five tactics for your IMC campaign. (Be sure to incorporate concepts from the course to support your rationale! Your rationale should align with the marketing strategy you have already chosen.)

Explain how your promotion strategies will address the diversity of your customer base.

Explain what other tactics you would use if you were launching a real campaign, and why. (They may or may not be in the list in Part 1.)

Explain what tactics you would avoid, and why.

Part 3: A key element in marketing today is being able to show results from your marketing investments or ROI (return on investment). Referencing the five items you created, answer the following questions in 1-2 pages:

How would you track the activity from each one? Remember, your secondary goal is to compel consumers to try your offerings.

What call to action will you use? (What do you want the consumer to do as a result of interacting with your promotion?)

What tools would you use to track those calls to action for each piece? (Examples include ways and tools you would use for tracking social media, email distribution, or websites.)

Again, 9-10 APA page paper with 5 Designs (1. Press Release, 2. Email campaign, 3. Advertisement, 4. Scripted TV or Radio Commercial/Advertisement, and 5.Coupon/sweepstake or contest- See Part 1 for more details)

Reference no: EM131600927

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