Reference no: EM13965032 , Length: word count:1000
Patient Details:
Diagnosis:Dorsum Left Hand SCC
Area of Treatment: Dorsum Left Hand
Intent: Radical / Palliative / Adjuvant / Prophylactic
Gender: Male / Female
Dose Prescription: 20 Gy in 1 fraction
Additional information: Superficial Radiotherapy Treatment delivering on Gulmay room. Patient sat on chair and his hand was on the couch. Gulmay staff did the calculation.
Localisation Details:
Localisation Procedure:
CT / Virtual Simulation / Mark - up / Simulator / Other
Images / scans taken: (projections, no. of slices, slice thickness, exposures, contrast media, image fusion etc.)
Photo taken for possession and future references
Beam arrangements / method of delivery:
Beam used: kV, Photon Energy and Direct Field
Beam Parameters:
2.5 circle
100 kV
2444 MU
Case Technical Discussion
Explanation and rationale for how the design of the technology utilised was appropriate for treating each case (to consider localisation method, treatment delivery and methods of verification).
Critique of alternative equipment/ features that could also have been utilised for each case, to include discussion of the technical design factors that would make have made it a suitable alternative
(Ideally using alternative teletherapy equipment such as Tomotherapy TM, Cyber Knife TM and alternative modalities), although brachytherapy is accepted with suitable underpinning evidence.
The discussion should not be technique based (although may include some elements of this), but should focus on the technology and design of each piece of equipment utilised within the case pathway, as well as alternatives and the disadvantages and advantages of each.
The discussion should be of a highly technical and evaluative nature, and should be supported by a wide range of current references, to include peer reviewed journals and clinical trial materials to support your discussion.
The discussion is an academic piece of writing that demonstrates a critical theoretical evaluation of equipment design and its application to radiotherapy delivery and verification.
This should also include applied discussion of alternative equipment or features not utilised for your original cases. This must be written in the 3rd person and referenced appropriately (current sources of information including journal articles, recent clinical trials should be utilised).
The discussion should include the under pinning theory for key aspects of the machine design (e.g. method(s) of imaging for localisation and planning, beam generation, modulation and shaping, technical aspects of verification methods etc.).
This assignment will meet the following module learning outcomes:
1. Critically appraise equipment design and function encountered in current radiotherapy practice and their clinical applications.
2. Appraise the applications of imaging modalities within current radiotherapy practice, and demonstrate understanding of the rationale for use of each.
3. Evaluate the integration and use of current MV and kV imaging equipment in relation to radiotherapy verification and treatment accuracy.
No# of Pages: 4 pages (1,000 words)
Paper Style: Harvard
Language: English (U.K)
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