Design deterministic finite state transducers

Assignment Help Theory of Computation
Reference no: EM13704478

Design deterministic finite state transducers that implement the subsequent context sensitive rules:

Part 1: a FST that changes a in its input to b if it is preceded by cc: cca -> ccb

Part 2: a FST that encloses ab in parentheses if it is followed by c: abc -> (ab)c

Suppose that the input alphabet is {a,b,c}. So the output alphabet in part a is the same as the input, while the output in part b is {a,b,c,(,)}.

The FSTs will be infinite loops, where the set of accept states is not well-defined, but for consistency you can suppose that once the respective rule was applied, the FST enters an accept state.

For part (b) you can also assume that the input will not end in ab.

You have to satisfy the requirements specific in the instruction. I am having difficulty with this problem because I do not know where to start.

Reference no: EM13704478

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