Reference no: EM133334216
1. "Designers and technicians create the visual life and audio elements of a theatre experience. Design can include scenery, lighting, costumes, sound, makeup and hair/wigs, properties, and special effects. The technical staff work behind the scenes to execute the designs, and they can include shop workers, crew, stage managers, and more. Without the artistic vision and hard work of the designers and technicians, the theatre experience would be far from complete."
Please discuss the above quote in 100 words and state your interpretation and whether or not you agree with it.
Please answer all prompts in your own thoughts and words and outlined format Please do not restate the question
2. Analyze the Stephen Sondheim quote which appears on page 109 in Module 14 of your online e course pack.
"Art, in itself, is an attempt to bring order out of chaos." Stephen Sondheim quote
Please discuss the above quote in 100 words and state your interpretation and whether or not you agree with it.
Please answer all prompts in your own thoughts and words and outlined format. Please do not restate the question
3. "Today, digital technology has taken us even further by greatly increasing the availability of the visual and performing arts into every aspect of our lives. From our iPads, iPhones, television screens and the Internet, we have more and more programming available to us every day. The creative experience is not just experiencing works as museum pieces or live theatre events. These creative endeavors are woven into the very fabric of our existence. We can view a movie or hear a song on our iPod, cell phone and then send it to a hundred more people in a matter of seconds. Instead of hanging canvases, images will be projected from razor thin panels on our living room walls and will be able to be changed at will. The availability of visual and performing art is everywhere. Modern audiences reinvent the very creative process of an artist or work of the past as if it were new."
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What is the bullwhip effect
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Examine how the national level security guidance relates
: Examine how the national level security guidance relates to the Army's future requirements. Use examples that demonstrate the relation.
Design can include scenery, lighting, costumes, sound
: Design can include scenery, lighting, costumes, sound, makeup and hair/wigs, properties, and special effects. The technical staff work behind the scenes
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What will be anyone recourse in the matter of torts
: Several of the nurses and physicians that I have spoken with have taken their life, leaving behind small children, and family from their medical errors.