Design assignment based on the given network configuration

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Reference no: EM131372958

Unix System Administration Assignment  

Design assignment based on the network configuration below.


jump: must be the single node from the secondary subnet


node a =

node b =<< jump

node c =

server-a and server-b are both from the same subnet

in order to access the servers, first you need to login into the university network then ssh to the nodes.

node a = root pw = 5037458

node b = << jump - root pw = 5037458

node c = -root pw = 5037458


the cvs file is on this link

1. disable SSH login for root. // all nodes

2. SSH connections

restrict incoming SSH connection to server-a and server-b from the following server:

jump =

3. // SSH keys

create a user with username [ YOUR PANTHER ID HERE ] on all nodes

configure the RSA key pair on jump

copy the private key to server a and server b

test key authentication between jump and server a / b

make sure that user [ YOUR PANTHER ID HERE ] does not have passwords configure in any of the boxes

download the users CSV from the following url.[ USERNAME ].csv

4. add all users to the jump server

// basic useradd

i.euseradd roary001

5. // 1 - 299

// add the name of the user as a comment

i.euseradd roary001 -c "roary the panther "

server a - add only male users

server b - add only female users

6. // 300 - 599

// add users, make sure that the home folder is located

// in the directory /home/finishers

server a - add only overall position 1 - 3k

server b - add only overall position 1 - 6k

7. // 600 - 900

// add users, make sure that the home folder is located in the

// company name listed on the csv. i.e. /home/company/[COMPANY NAME]

// in addition make sure to add the company name as group in the

// system and add the users to that group

server a - add only overall position A - M

server b - add only overall position N - Z

8. // delete all user from jump that finish the race over 40 min

9. install fail2ban on all nodes. ( 2 point )

// make sure to fail.local


# Ban hosts for 5 min:

bantime = 300

# Override /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/00-firewalld.conf:

banaction = iptables-multiport


enabled = true

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM131372958

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1/27/2017 4:36:32 AM

I am attaching the instruction of how to login. I took out some steps that you do not need to do. I will need a screenshot of the commands that you will use. Or you can write down on the attachment under the question so i can see how you did it.

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