Design and write a computer game program

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM132109278

The project is to design and write a C++17/FLTK computer game program with a graphical user interface.

The object of the game is to keep the computer from guessing the player's next choice of two possible values. We will call the choices "heads" and "tails" below, but you are free to use maroon/white, on/off, up/down, 0/1, etc. instead.

The player starts by making a certain number of choices, attempting to be as random as possible, which the computer observes. Then for each of the following choices the computer guesses in advance, and then compares its guess to the next choice.

or difficulty level 1 (see below) there are 32 choices in the observation phase and 32 choices in the guessing phase. The player earns 10 points for each choice the computer guessed wrong, so for difficulty level 1 the maximum score is 320.

my parts are :

Ask for the player's initials and display them with a blank score below the top 5 scores.

Instruct the player to make that many choices, attempting to be as random as possible, and show how many choices remain. For example, for difficulty level 1 the setup screen might say "You have 32 choices to go; click Heads or Tails."

Reference no: EM132109278

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